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Can you name one thing wrong with being a nerd?

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People say being a nerd is a bad thing. I can give you some things about it that are good.

1. Most nerds are smarter and get better grades.

2. With a good school record you have a better chance at getting a great career.

3. With that good career you make more money.

Sure some nerds get hated and "outcasted". But you're probably damn smarter than they are.
And... "Hey, nerd, pal, what's the answer for ..."

Back on subject, can you even think of one BAD reason about being a nerd?

Well if you're this guy who knows a lot but doesn't socialize too much, you can lose some jobs and opportunity's for not having the ability to sympathize.

If you're a guy who sits in front of the computer literally everyday 10+ hours and do no exercise at all, that can bring bad consequences.


--- Quote from: memo3300 on February 03, 2013, 09:30:52 PM ---Well if you're this guy who knows a lot but doesn't socialize too much, you can lose some jobs and opportunity's for not having the ability to sympathize.

If you're a guy who sits in front of the computer literally everyday 10+ hours and do no exercise at all, that can bring bad consequences.

--- End quote ---

true, but that's the stereotypical nerd. I've met only one of those. I'm a nerd, I do loads of exercise, I socialize a lot and I'm top of my class.

What planet are you in? NERD is the new cool thing, oops I mean "nerd" aka people who play COD, watch TV, go to the movies, read a book, read a sentence, or similar dumb shit, you are a "nerd." It's why there are stupid nerdy shirts(shit like "I'm from the internet") exist, GURL gamers(aka COD girls) exist and why the hipster glasses shit exist.

The old (real) NERD is now pretty much the word loser/nolife(and sometimes maybe weirdo.)

Tiger Guy:
It's not that being called a "nerd" is a bad thing, it's just that most people don't have the brain capacity to know what a "nerd" is.


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