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Can you name one thing wrong with being a nerd?
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Well the dictionary definition of nerd is:
1. A foolish, inept, or unattractive person.
2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
However it is important to note that the word "nerd" itself is technically slang.
Being called a nerd is supposed to have a negative connotation, however having these traits does not make you a "nerd". People often do not understand what the word nerd really means (since the word itself is basically a contradiction of itself), when reality they are really just trying to call you strange, but instead use a slang word that is technically far more severe in meaning. It's like using the word "retard" or "gay" to call someone stupid. So yes being a nerd overall is not supposed to be a positive thing, but I feel it used more to describe certain aspects of a person, rather than a person as a whole. I have never really found myself saying "Oh I am a nerd" or "another person is a nerd". I can say I have nerdy qualities, but it does not take up my entire life. A person who is considered a "Nerd" by societies standpoint and not just nerdy, would be an extreme outcast more or less. Being smart and having good grades does not make you a nerd, it just makes you intelligent or hard working.
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on February 03, 2013, 10:49:10 PM ---It's not that being called a "nerd" is a bad thing, it's just that most people don't have the brain capacity to know what a "nerd" is.
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--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on February 04, 2013, 04:43:24 PM ---Well the dictionary definition of nerd is:
1. A foolish, inept, or unattractive person.
2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
However it is important to note that the word "nerd" itself is technically slang.
Being called a nerd is supposed to have a negative connotation, however having these traits does not make you a "nerd". People often do not understand what the word nerd really means (since the word itself is basically a contradiction of itself), when reality they are really just trying to call you strange, but instead use a slang word that is technically far more severe in meaning. It's like using the word "retard" or "gay" to call someone stupid. So yes being a nerd overall is not supposed to be a positive thing, but I feel it used more to describe certain aspects of a person, rather than a person as a whole. I have never really found myself saying "Oh I am a nerd" or "another person is a nerd". I can say I have nerdy qualities, but it does not take up my entire life. A person who is considered a "Nerd" by societies standpoint and not just nerdy, would be an extreme outcast more or less. Being smart and having good grades does not make you a nerd, it just makes you intelligent or hard working.
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Everyone has different views on what a "nerd" is.
The way I see pre-adult life is basically.. (mostly for guys)
Now of course you can choose all of them and split them up to percentages, and the main categories would have subcategories, and those categories would overlap a little, but basically thats how I see it. One extreme would be a "nerd" (or) MAXIMUM Gaming, MAXIMUM Academics, and 0% Social. This is how I would define a nerd. Now with that said, the disadvantages of that would be social awkwardness, not many friends, therefore little to no connections when you are looking for jobs.
One bad thing about being a nerd pretty much what the majority said being ackward which can be solved if the person try's enough at least from my perspective I guess it also depends on how you would take being called a nerd if you would ignore it or just take it as a compliment? But then maybe some people may miss interpret a nerd which may lead to bulleying etc. Or a persons parents could have divorced and since they feel depressed they rely on games instead of friends to make them feel better ? Then what some people said there comes being close minded lower in self esteem etc. But again I guess it determines how you would define a nerd. And yeah there can be many causes for a person becoming a nerd or why they are a nerd. In thiz generation I think it's becoming popular at least in my school.
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