How to AP Xin Zhao TehHank Edition
AP Xin Zhao is a difficult build in terms of what items you use to build him, as normally he is an AD Champion, but AP Xin Zhao focuses on mainly Attack Speed and Ability power to up his full potential. But you must take note that AP massively boosts two important abilities, Audacious Charge (by
60% extra magic damage) and Battle cry's Passive (by
70% extra passive heal). With Extremely low cooldowns, Xin Zhao can sustain himself in Team fights and make your foes foam at mouth as your blinding fast attacks heal you up while you deal damage out like a man!
Ability SequenceQ 2 7 9 12 13
W 1 4 5 8 10
E 3 14 15 17 18
R 6 11 16
1. Get Doran's ring with 2 health potions. Ever since Patch 3.8, they reduced the cost of a few starting items, with Doran's ring costing 400 gold instead of 475, enabling you to buy some health potions. The First ability you will go for is Battle cry, This will enable your passive heal so can sustain for ages whether you are top or jungling as it heals you every third attack. With Doran's ring, this boosts your passive heal, giving you an advantage over your enemy as you quickly heal up any damage taken by simple farming. Your Abilities use up your mana quickly with this method so Doran's ring is essential.

2. Then Get Boots of speed and another Doran's ring.

3. Build towards a Nashor's Tooth, as it's Attack speed and Ability power it's the corner stone of this build. Also It's passive is almost game breaking ever since patch 3.8. Also not to forget to build Ionian Boots of Lucidity to help decrease your overall ability cooldowns.

4. Then Build towards Guinsoon's rageblade, as it's Attack damage and more Ability power will help you sustain and deal more damage out along with it's passive that causes you to build up 4% of both Attack speed and Ability power every hit you inflict, stacking up to 8 times, Plus it's unique passive will grant you 10% life steal, 10% Spell vamp and 20% Attack speed when your health falls below 50%.

5. Next Item to build is a Hextech Gunblade, for it's additonal boost in Attack Damage, Ability power, Life steal, Spell vamp and it's unique active allows you to inflict 150 (
+40% AP) magic damage on a target able enemy champion in a certain radius.

6. You should then build a Lich Bane, granting you even more Ability power, plus 250 mana and a small 5% boost to movement speed. It's passive allows you to inflict 50 bonus magic damage (
+75% AP) after using an ability, which has a 2 second cooldown.
However, depending if the enemy is using Crowd Control, build a Zephyr. Not only will this give you extra Attack damage, Attack Speed, Movement speed and Cooldown reduction, it will reduce the effects of the enemies CC by 35%.

7. Finally, Build a Rabadon's Deathcap. With this, you will have approx. 344 Ability power, granting you approx 291 Passive heal per Third attack. By now you should be winning your game or taking defeat like a true man.
Tips- Don't be afraid in the late game to take on towers solo, 1 or 2 enemy champions solo or dragons solo. Your passive heal can sustain you. not to mention AP Xin Zhao can solo Baron Nashor... but eeeeeh....
- Always try to intiate teamfights and use your ult with as many enemy champs close to you to become a tank and utterly massacre them with your sheer manliness.
- I recommend taking Flash and Ignite as AP Xin Zhao to help you gank.

- Oh and play this song on loop for an instant game win
Mulan - i'll make a man out of you- Don't forget to get mocked by Kameroonian for playing AP Xin Zhao, since he has somesort of grudge against AP Xin Zhao
