How to Troll Tanky Bruiser Wukong TehHank Edition
Wukong is one of the most unique champions in the game, being able to take the role of a Bruiser, Assassin and Tank. In this Guide, i will be teaching you how to tank as Wukong successfully and annoy the crap out of people with your high burst damage and high agility.
Overview of Abilities
Stone Skin is wukong's uber sexy passive that allows him to gain additional armour and magic resistance when he is nearby enemy champions. This increases by 4 /6 /8 for every champion nearby. This is great when you solo top as Wukong and are against two enemy top champions as their nearby presence increases wukong's survivability when he is in his laning phase. In mid and late game, you can dive balls deep with your nimbus strike + crushing blow combo followed by your ult, Cyclone into a team fight as your passive will increase your armor and magic res. values by up to 20 /30 /40 additional points if all 5 enemy champions are present.
Crushing Blow empowers wukong's next basic attack , gaining 125 range and dealing 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150
(+110% Bonus AD) physical damage. It also reduces the enemies current armor by 15% for 3 seconds. This is part of wukong's bread and butter style, as it is best to combo it with nimbus strike to deal amazing burst damage against your foe. Even better, buy a Sheen, building into either a Trinity force or a Ice born Gauntlet to Nuke with Crushing blow as you deal your AD Damage +
(110% AD) +
(150% AD) in one basic attack.
Decoy leaves behind an uncontrollable clone of Wukong that can not interact with nearby enemies, making yourself stealthed for 1.5 seconds. After 1.5 seconds, your clone will disappear, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250
(+ 60% Bonus AP). This can be used offensively and defensively. The main point of it's usage, is to use it to escape enemies when retreating or to dodge enemies projectiles as they would hit your clone instead of you. You can use it so you can stealth into a bush, confusing your enemies where you went. It is also extremely effective when juking your enemy, as you run away in one direction, activate decoy and run the opposite direction, causing the enemy either to: 1. Attack the clone or 2. Predict where you stealthed to if they are smart enough. The effectiveness of this is increased when performing this maneuver in bushes. Offensively, you can activate it when out of nearby enemy champions field of view and Nimbus strike + crushing blow combo them to surprise attack them.
Nimbus Strike is wukong's gap closer and a very fun one too. Wukong dashes on a cloud toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies, dealing 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240
(+ 80% Bonus AD) physical damage to each enemy struck. He also gains an attack speed bonus for 4 seconds after hitting a target with this ability
(Attack Speed Bonus: 30% / 35% / 40% / 45% / 50%) This is the ability to help you farm minions and monsters and is the bread to your butter when combined with crushing blow. It is also a good harassment ability, as after you use it, you can activate decoy to get away quickly before the enemy can react to you.
Cyclone is
Garen's Wukong's
Spin to win Ultimate ability. Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around for up to 4 seconds, dealing 20 / 110 / 200
(+ 120% AD) physical damage every second to enemies around him and knocking up enemies once per cast. Wukong gains a 5% movement speed bonus every half second for the duration of the spell, with the bonus disappearing once he stops spinning. Wukong cannot attack or use other abilities while Cyclone is active, but he can deactivate it at any time. Use this in a team fight to piss off the enemy champions with your one time CC after performing a Nimbus strike + Crushing blow combo and move alongside the enemy to maximize your damage output. It also can be used to escape if being heavily chased as it's knock up and increased movement speed can help you escape.
Ability SequenceQ 2 4 5 7 9
W 1 14 15 17 18
E 3 8 10 12 13
R 6 11 16
Item BuildStarting items. Pick up one Cloth armor and five Health potions or three Health potions and two Mana Potions. Combined with your Current defensive masteries, any armor runes you have equipped and your super awesome passive "stone skin", you will have 40+ armor at level 1, making AA based top champs start to foam at mouth as they attacks tickle your face while you farm away. Your health pot's will give you a lot of lane sustain. I recommend returning back to spawn after reaching level 4 unless you have inflicted first blood. Your abilities have low cooldowns and therefore you can run out of mana quick. If you are not good with mana management, take some mana potions with you.

X5 or

X22. Purchase one Warden's Mail and boot's of speed. Warden's Mail will make the enemy AA top champs rage while you harass the enemy with your abilities.

3. Purchase a Sheen and build towards a Brutaliser. The Sheen will help you deal more damage out with Crushing Blow and it's small amount of AP can help boost the damage of your Decoy
(HOWEVER I DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU BUILD AP WITH WUKONG AS DECOY'S AP RATIO IS ONLY 60%). The Passives of Brutaliser will greatly improve your abilities in terms of cooldowns and amour penetration.

4. Build towards either a Youmuu's Ghostblade or Black Cleaver and purchase Boot's of swiftness. YG will grant additional AD and Critical hit chance which will may give you incredible burst damage with your Q ability and it's unique active act's like a miniature version of Master Yi's Ultimate ability, increasing your Movement speed by 20% and Attack speed by 40%. This is excellent when chasing some poor sucker down. BC gives you a health 200 health points and 50 AD. It's Unique passive reduces the enemy champions armor by 5% which stacks up to 5 times. This works when you cast your ultimate and stacks up as your cyclone continues to deal damage over time. Both are good items and purchasing either one depends on play style or the current situation. Boot's of swiftness will aid you in your chases and retreats.


5. The Following items are items that are must have but depend on the situation at hand.

Build Sheen into this to give Wukong overall better stats and awesome passives.

An almost essential item if the enemy team has high DPS champs and you are being focused a lot. Increases survivability when using your ultimate.

Build this out of Warden's Mail to increase your tankyness, increase your overall mana pool and decrease your cooldowns. It's passive is great in 1v1 duels and team fights as it reduces nearby enemy champion's attack speeds by 20%.

Build these two when the enemy champion's are outrunning you when you chase them. Build IG from your sheen. It provides 70 Amour and 500 armor plus 30 AP and 10% cooldown reduction. After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 125% of your base AD to surrounding enemies and creates a field for 2 seconds that slows enemies inside by 30%. FM provides a large chunk of 700 Health Points and 30 AD, and basic attacks slow the enemies movement speed by 40% for 1.5 seconds.
Tips and Tricks- How to effectively harass as wukong in lane
Step 1. Activate Crushing blow
Step 2. Use Nimbus Strike
Step 3. Use Decoy and retreat
Step 4. Auto Attack once
Step 5. ? ? ?
Step 6. PROFIT
Step 7. Rinse and Repeat
- Spam your abilities if you have sufficient mana as your abilities apart from your ultimate have short cooldowns.
- Use Decoy's stealth to get around certain places without being seen.
- Initiate a team fight with above combo to confuse the enemy and use your ultimate when your teammates join the fray.
- I Recommend taking Ghost and Exhaust. Ghost will help you escape close encounters with enemy champions and exhaust will help you to beat one enemy champion to death.

- Here is some fitting unofficial theme music for Wukong
Wukong Theme Song"Isn't it humiliating you are being beaten by a monkey with a stick?" - TehHank