Author Topic: What do you think of airsoft?  (Read 360 times)

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Offline Cariad†

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What do you think of airsoft?
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:23:39 PM »
Okay, so I've gotten into airsoft for quite a while now and it's god damn awesome. Some people say "Oh what a silly kiddy game, go back to CoD" and things like that.

Does that look nerdy or fun as hell to you?

Secondly, some military personal practice with airsoft/paintball.

What's your guys' thoughts on airsoft?

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 06:30:14 PM »
It looks like a TON of fun.

I'd love to do airsoft/paintball CQB training/games, but have no money/friends/place to do so.

It puts you under real combat stress, even without real weapons. Paintball more so than airsoft, but that's because paintball has the pain as a deterrent to get shot.

But I can't get behind large scale wars, the ballistic properties of a ball are so bad they make me want to tear out my eyes for being the same shape.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2013, 06:34:32 PM »
Yea I've never gone to an actually airsoft arena or some shit and actually not even paintballing but me and my brother have some decent airsoft guns, mainly him though cause he just spent $180 on some pretty badass thing that you really wouldn't want to be shot by at all unless you've got a fuckload of protection on. Me and him/my friend have messed around and been shot by the guns plenty though, mainly me lol. It's actually just as painful as a paintball gun but that's probably mostly because half of the time I got shot directly on my skin not through clothing.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2013, 07:32:09 PM »
My friend showed me professional air soft videos on you-tube from Sweden they look fun but it's hard to tell if people lie etc.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2013, 08:00:25 PM »
I know my cousin likes to play it and I wish I could but equipment can get somewhat expensive and I'm not sure if my parents would let me do it. Seems like a lot of fun though.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2013, 09:03:51 PM »
I think it looks like fun :o

Offline Tortie

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2013, 09:10:41 PM »
Well this is a funny coincidence. Just came back from Hollywood sports (airsoft/paintball park) and see this post. Playing airsoft is the most fun at night because you can wear many layers without being ridiculously sweaty. I'm not really the best, I only have a spring pistol so I use my friends' guns, but it is still fun to rush up the sides and flank people with a deagle. Also there is a whole bunch of different maps and game modes. The most recent one is called Cajun Terror and we played "Tower Defense" on it. Basically there is a group of defenders with 1 life defending the tower and a group of attackers with infinite lives (but they have to run back if shot) trying to infiltrate the tower and eliminate all the defenders.  I've also played paintball before and that was fun too, except paintballs hurt more and it eliminates the simulation of using "real guns". Getting hit with a BB stings for a good 10-15 seconds but doesn't leave big ol' welts like paintballs do. But yeah, I'd only do this for fun, I don't really know about people playing competitively like a sport and getting sponsored and all that.

Offline Cariad†

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2013, 09:37:03 PM »
Well this is a funny coincidence. Just came back from Hollywood sports (airsoft/paintball park) and see this post. Playing airsoft is the most fun at night because you can wear many layers without being ridiculously sweaty. I'm not really the best, I only have a spring pistol so I use my friends' guns, but it is still fun to rush up the sides and flank people with a deagle. Also there is a whole bunch of different maps and game modes. The most recent one is called Cajun Terror and we played "Tower Defense" on it. Basically there is a group of defenders with 1 life defending the tower and a group of attackers with infinite lives (but they have to run back if shot) trying to infiltrate the tower and eliminate all the defenders.  I've also played paintball before and that was fun too, except paintballs hurt more and it eliminates the simulation of using "real guns". Getting hit with a BB stings for a good 10-15 seconds but doesn't leave big ol' welts like paintballs do. But yeah, I'd only do this for fun, I don't really know about people playing competitively like a sport and getting sponsored and all that.
Airsoft is so hated. It's actually just as good a sport as paintball. It also somewhat simulates a military situation because you gotta reload... like a real gun.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2013, 09:51:51 PM »
Airsoft is so hated. It's actually just as good a sport as paintball. It also somewhat simulates a military situation because you gotta reload... like a real gun.
Ya and there are airsoft models of a lot of real guns, which makes it even more awesome.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2013, 10:21:20 PM »
I have played paintball before.

the thing is that I think a good paintball gun is expensive so the guns they give you in the paintball arenas in here wont go too far and wont go straight, so like you always have to aim higher, at least you are about to rape someone from 2 meters behind him.

I have got headshoted and I have done headshots.

The gayest thing that can happen is that a whole team goes to a corner and barricade there.

Also I remember once a friend made one guy on the enemy team to give him his bullets. He shot him twice and was poiting him on the ground. god lol.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 02:59:37 AM »
Damn, airsoft battles look exciting, unfortunately I don't think there are any of those in my country or not that I know of, although there are places where you could play paintball. Me and my class wanted to go there on a trip but the girls got all bitchy about it and so we ended up going to some random exhibition.

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2013, 05:55:38 AM »
Lol'd, Airsoft finally became legit since a week ( 16 - 17 Januari).
But I think there are some rules here that allows/doesn't allow you to have airsoft weapons.
But I would love to have airsoft fights, If I had friends with airsoft weapons and if I had airsoft weapons by myself...

Offline Cariad†

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2013, 11:48:20 AM »
Lol'd, Airsoft finally became legit since a week ( 16 - 17 Januari).
But I think there are some rules here that allows/doesn't allow you to have airsoft weapons.
But I would love to have airsoft fights, If I had friends with airsoft weapons and if I had airsoft weapons by myself...
Most airsofts have orange tips and some with see through bases so they know they're fake. However even though my AK is like that I did have an old woman call the police on mke...

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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2013, 12:44:11 PM »
I don't really like it, when I was 11 I was at a friend's house and they took out their airsoft gun and pointed it at me and I started shaking and had a panic attack, no clue why, it was pretty funny but I was scared shitless. I'm not friends with that person anymore.
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Re: What do you think of airsoft?
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2013, 01:59:00 PM »
Most airsofts have orange tips and some with see through bases so they know they're fake. However even though my AK is like that I did have an old woman call the police on mke...
Yeah, usually when you transport them, you have to put it in a bag or something so people won't confuse them.