My steam name: Cariad (Welsh for Sweetheart)
My steam Id: STEAM_0:0:37002575
Time online: Most of the day
Servers: Zombie survival, stronghold occasionally. Rarely TTT.
Age: 15
Games I own: Counter Strike: Source, Left 4 dead, Garry's Mod, Garry's Mod 13(Beta), Grand Theft Auto IV, Portal , The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim, All HL2 + Episodes, Half-Life: Source , + Many more.
Locaton: Gibsons landing, British Colombia, Canada
Why I want to become Regular: I will not lie that I play on RND mainly for the Zombie Survival server but I do play on the others. I have gotten into some minor fusses but nothing too serious. I understand that I may not get Regular because I made a bad first impression on a couple of people but I am willing to prove that I am different then that. Sometimes I get a bit angry on the servers but I do stop. I do not care about dying on the Zombie Survival as I am one of the few who actually like being Dead. So don't expect me to get angry on that. I am also not the most mature person in the world, I act childish from time to time on the servers mainly for fun when others are doing it. Sometimes I over do with the Eff-bomb but not always.
Contrubutions to RND: I helped some new players and I am the #1 Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator

Contact me: You can add me on Steam by clicking the link on my posts/Forum Profile.
Thank you for reading my Regular application. Again, I am not really the best choice for regular but I will see what others think.