Man I haven't biked in for ever but when I used to I like never fell lol. Some friends of mine made a bunch of ramps and shit near me, making a sort of bike course which was really fun and still is there actually. The only time I can even recall ever falling was when I was biking there with a friend and it was raining like fuck, and I went off one of the jumps and my back tire managed to slide as it went off the ramp. Ended up falling pretty fucking hard, had a nice gash into my right arm with gravel and shit in it, and I basically couldn't bend that arm more than an inch for at least a day. Oh, and the all the ramps were dirt, which is why the back tire slid I guess. The ramp I went off wasn't even big though, probably like half a meter tall maybe a bit taller... but I sped up to it really fast lol.