Try some color correction? A false night effect, where you can only see a few feet in front of you.
Well, that's not exactly the problem I'm having with lighting. In the original game, all of the rooms are models. If you peek inside of the GFX/map folder of the game, you will notice alot of lm (lightmapped) files that overlay the textures in each of the rooms. This produces the effect of
ambient occlusion, or fake global illumination. (And once you think about it, the original game is in fullbright mode all the time. Its just that ambient occlusion and fog give the feeling of almost total darkness.)
Unlike the source engine, the creator could have easily baked, or fused, these lightmaps with his 3D modeling software. I, on the other hand, have to manually place the lighting because to have to light up props/viewmodels/etc. real-time. Color correction only changes the RGB going from the engine to the monitor, or acts like a shader, and that would be something I would add at the finals stages of the map. If I place a low-brightness light in the middle of a room to try to simulate AO, I would somewhat get that effect but I would also get noticeable shadows.
I've also been fooling around with
this technique, but I first wanted to see if any other mappers are willing to shed light onto the subject. That is, before I tread into interlopers.
If Cake declines, can I take the offer?
You have a sexy voice, too. I don't see why not.
Or maybe there can be an argument between you two in the map.
All you need to do is provide a .wav sound file of you saying anything.