--Background:*Be aware that some of the sites given contain few instances of gorey/gruesome images (106 for example.) View at your own discretion.*Recently, an independent group released the alpha version of their game,
SCP - Containment Breach. This game is based off of the fictional, creepy-pasta stories at the
SCP Foundation Wiki. At this fictional research facility, SCP ("Secure. Contain. Protect."), supernatural anomalies are harbored to keep away from the public and/or to analyze their unique attributes. In the alpha version of this game, you play as a Class-D staff member/ test subject, the lowest rank in the Foundation. On an average, shitty Monday morning, you enter SCP-173's room along with your two other blank-faced buddies to clean its feces and blood off the floor. But of all the odds in such a highly-funded government facility, something goes horribly wrong and shit goes down reeeeeal fast!
To admit it, on the first play, it is astounding to see how such bizarre entities and frightening atmosphere were created even with such limited graphics (created in Blitz3D which is about a decade old.) At a part in the game where 106 walks through a corridor, I shit myself and hit escape then I heard 106 make this fucking scary mumbling while staring straight at me (even when the game was paused!) F*ck. Damn. Sh*t. F*ck. Just to have that fucking face etched into my mind is bad enough. (And to have that experience from an objective-less game that you just run around in testing how much "heavy ordinance" you can lay before you really need a new rectum).
Here's one more thing to add to the atmosphere of this thread. You've probably already seen this but I thought it was a cool animation.
And LOL. Didn't know about this until I read it on the wikia.
--Project:Anyways, an idea came to mind that the layout for the rooms and the overall theme may provide a good map for Zombie Survival. Yes, the idea sounds kind of naive to have zombies in the facility but gameplay wise it would work well. To prevent the filesize of the map from being unsuitable for download, I will try to incorporate only a few major rooms and the rest be offices/cubicles. If you have any suggestions for what I should add or anything I should fix, feel free to comment. If you are willing to make/port some of the models (other than 106) to Source and provide them, I'd be more than happy to include you in the credits of the map. Maybe if someone provides a good sketch of a two-story layout for the offices and tunnels, I'd put their name on the easter egg I'll hide in the map. Found a plug-in to port .x and .b3d files into 3DS Max. Final layout has been completed on paper.Screw the Zombie Survival idea. I will try to make this an accurate port. Yes, I am completely aware that
someone already made a mimic of the intro room. But I plan on having this map to be near identical to the alpha and retain minor details seen when going through the facility excluding the SCPs (unless a server-side script is made for the entity SCP-173 that's already on; would be damn funny to have 173 zipping by occasionally and take a few "blind" klieners).
And yes, I own none of the ideas, textures, models, etc. posted or related to the Foundation and the alpha.
Damn I should start being original... maybe later.Progress:
Material Ports | 100% |
Brush portion of ALL the rooms | 100% |
Model Ports/Creation | 100% |
Functioning Door Instances | 0% |
SCP-043 Room and Audio | 90% |
Lighting | 60% |
SCP-173 Entity | ![Huh? ???](Smileys/DarkB/huh.gif) |
SCP-106 Entity | ![Huh? ???](Smileys/DarkB/huh.gif) |
SCP: CB Gamemode | ![Huh? ???](Smileys/DarkB/huh.gif) |
I made a simple base gamemode in gmod 13. But, I would need a team of super lua scripters and someone to possibly host the FTP.
I don't want to turn this into a project just yet. I'd probably want to release this map first then ask for permission from the original creator to go into a Gmod gamemode. This is all his work and his own mental recreation of the SCP Facility.
But I don't want to discern any good lua scripters because this would be a VERY fun project.
This little guy almost gave me a heart attack as I had forgotten I placed him there.
Porting him was a pain in the ass. He was originally about 9400 polys (holy shit! source can only handle a model with up to 20,000). So I reduced the polycount by using the Pro Optimizer Modifier and manually welded any open seams. But I didn't get all the seams so you can see a few gaps in him.
I can resume work on the map and hopefully finish it by the time the regular servers come back up.
To keep things simple, I will upload the .bsp and the files I worked with when I am finished.
I was sort of sloppy when I was porting, so I may have left out some .obj/.dae/.max files.
At the moment, the file size of the models and materials is about 50MB. Sound files may up this 100MB.