Because what 5 people might find funny might not be to the other 13 people.
Well okay, that could be a valid reason.
When I was a regular and an admin was fucking around with others, I just learned that's the way they were and just ignored it.
If a MAJORITY of the server didn't like what someone was doing, then the admins would stop. In a recent case involving a game in richs, I just recall two people being bothered by it while the rest of the players just ignored it or played around with it. (Fairly certain this is the case which was being referred to)
It's still possible to ignore, mute, and just not pay attention to what's happening and still play the game. Not like you're being rocketed and slapped into the air 24/7
Edit: Double post. Post count still counts in here, right? If so I'll merge these. I want each individual message to be sent.