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« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 07:30:35 PM by Supertoaster »

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 07:25:52 PM »
Sorry, not cool. Would be a different thing if you gave credit to that instead of fooling everyone, and completely taking credit from them. :/
Making the credit obvious ._..

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 07:27:48 PM »
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:19:46 AM by Mr. Franklin »
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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 07:49:50 PM »

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Seriously. Don't start lashing out at her because you didn't bother reading everything ._.

It's in the god damn OP.

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 07:52:17 PM »
Seriously. Don't start lashing out at her because you didn't bother reading everything ._.

It's in the god damn OP.
Yes, but it's still kind of bad imo. Like, I thought she was making up the story on her own. It was kind of obvious the backgrounds were taken but... that the entire story word by word was taken is kind of disappointing. And she really should have made it more obvious that she was taking the story from somewhere else. The only mention I have EVER seen of it from her is in that tiny section of the OP.

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 07:56:32 PM »

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2012, 07:59:46 PM »
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:55:26 AM by Sabb »

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2012, 08:02:06 PM »

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« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 08:06:01 PM by Cable »

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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 08:28:58 PM »
She explicitly stated the very similar nature of her adaptation to the adaptation of Dangan Ronpa.

She's an artist and has created the animated characters from sketch, to line art, and finally colouring.

She's has been successfully adapting our character choices to these characters through their individual style and animation.

Not only that but all the poses are drawn by her, they are her characters based off our submissions.

Honestly, nitpicking the similarities she's already referenced... I wouldn't be surprised if after seeing this little stunt where everyone unquestionably sided against her, she decides to fuck it all and stop.

Who really wants that? There is nothing to gain from that I hope you can see.

This is the worst type of attack on content and it's from people I know.

If you want to make a comparative criticism then fine, but she's covered her bases well enough for everyone to know the base for her adaptation.

Also, just think for a moment about the concept of plagiarism and originality.

Every brilliant idea in our head has been influenced since the day we could sense.

There is no original thought, there are only variations to the understanding of experience.

This type of thinking displayed in this thread criticizes the nature of ideas that seem to similar and kill possible unique variations to the art of expression.

Purple's work is a pool of potential that would bring to the table its own unique properties; through her drawings and subtle elements of each character through background narration or speech.

I am truly upset that such an uproar was organized so quickly by those who don't even take a minute to think through what they are doing and what they are actually supporting.

I don't see any reason why this was necessary.
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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2012, 09:55:10 PM »
Well, I really tried hard on this for you guys, and for those who think "WELL SHE COPIEDDD SHE PROBABLY BARELY WORKED ON IT" No, that is not the case at all. As I said, yes, this is a remodel of the game "Dangan Ronpa" which Cable and his friends happily posted a link to.

I really wanted to continue on a comic for you guys since the first one I tried, I almost instantly stopped working on, and when I was thinking this, I was obsessed with that game, so I wanted to make a "Randomgs" version of it, because I thought it would be fun and you'd enjoy reading something that I put all your characters in.

Next, I would like to address the poses and my drawings, firstly for anyone who thinks "ppfff she probably copies everything she draws." Well I drew each one of your characters on paper so I think that covers a little bit, and the poses on the Dangan Ronpa thread fit with what the people were saying so I looked off the poses in a separate canvas. Not all of them are copied because I didn't think it fit.


Now, that I covered that, I'm going to ask if you guys still want me to continue with the comic, if you do then I'd like you to tell me, because I don't see a reason why not to now that everything is addressed and there was no reason to cause this mess in the first place in my opinion.

Or if you don't want me to continue tell me that also, I will completely stop the comic right here if there is more people who want me to stop than to carry on.
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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2012, 10:09:40 PM »
Well, I really tried hard on this for you guys, and for those who think "WELL SHE COPIEDDD SHE PROBABLY BARELY WORKED ON IT" No, that is not the case at all. As I said, yes, this is a remodel of the game "Dangan Ronpa" which Cable and his friends happily posted a link to.

I really wanted to continue on a comic for you guys since the first one I tried, I almost instantly stopped working on, and when I was thinking this, I was obsessed with that game, so I wanted to make a "Randomgs" version of it, because I thought it would be fun and you'd enjoy reading something that I put all your characters in.

Next, I would like to address the poses and my drawings, firstly for anyone who thinks "ppfff she probably copies everything she draws." Well I drew each one of your characters on paper so I think that covers a little bit, and the poses on the Dangan Ronpa thread fit with what the people were saying so I looked off the poses in a separate canvas. Not all of them are copied because I didn't think it fit.


Now, that I covered that, I'm going to ask if you guys still want me to continue with the comic, if you do then I'd like you to tell me, because I don't see a reason why not to now that everything is addressed and there was no reason to cause this mess in the first place in my opinion.

Or if you don't want me to continue tell me that also, I will completely stop the comic right here if there is more people who want me to stop than to carry on.

I am just going to say this, not to be rude, or hurt feelings. And not to cause problems, but because I feel like this should have been done originally. I give props to you for re-drawing the characters and making them all in their own style, because for that I really do think you probably put time into. As for the story though, I did a lot of comparison, and it is just not very original. I understand you wanting to make a comic for the community based on that, but if you're going to do it, you should at least try to make it more of your own. We all know you needed a starting point, and that you were basing it off of that game, but for the amount of content you used, I honestly think you should have cited your source better. For using the same background and the entire introduction, and some of the characters intros, you should have gaven more credit to the original owner. A sidenote to the side saying where you got it from is like a citation saying "I got this from google", you should have posted a link to the original and gave official credit to the author for the backgrounds and the words you took. Copying and rewording things doesn't officially make it yours. You may not take what I say into consideration, but I would hope you would at least understand what I am saying.

You can continue to work on the comic if that is what you wish, and I am sure people will disagree with what I say; I just feel it is hard to respect something when you find it lacks the originality it once held in your eyes. Because it is still not totally your work. The only reason I take things like this so seriously, is because I myself have been plagiarized and it is truly and awful feeling. And that is all I have to say.
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Re: Bullet Rebuttal Argument
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2012, 10:15:24 PM »
come on guys -- just appreciate what she did. She did bust her ass on this regardless if it was based off of something or not (even if as you say it was word for word)

Let's just stop telling her how she should do things. I hate it when people force things down other peoples throats because they believe it SHOULD be this way instead of it being another way.


seriously man come on, just for once be happy on what someones trying to accomplish.
if you really hate it then fuck - get yourself taken out cuz she couldnt do it the way you expected it to be.