Author Topic: The Official flame thread  (Read 179 times)

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2012, 11:59:59 AM »
olololololol you guys make me lol

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2012, 12:04:14 PM »
you guys are idiots for not realizing that cogs just used an old generator that we've all seen before

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2012, 12:04:47 PM »
u guies are so copi bicths

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2012, 12:05:54 PM »
you guys are idiots for not realizing that cogs just used an old generator that we've all seen before
It wasn't a generator.
It was a serious essay from elsewhere.
I just replaced all the names. ;-)

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2012, 12:21:24 PM »
you guys are idiots for not realizing that cogs just used an old generator that we've all seen before
>Implying that you knew that we didn't know that he was

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2012, 12:32:55 PM »
you guys are idiots for not realizing that cogs just used an old generator that we've all seen before
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ur a butt snifer
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 02:28:55 PM by Tiger Guy »

10:27 PM - Sabb: are you litter trained

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2012, 12:35:09 PM »
The serious wall of text posts aren't funny but okay ._..
(I know they're from a derp generator thing but I say it kind of defeats the purpose of the thread)

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2012, 01:11:07 PM »
The serious wall of text posts aren't funny but okay ._..
(I know they're from a derp generator thing but I say it kind of defeats the purpose of the thread)

Just because you don't find them funny, doesn't mean that we don't.

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2012, 01:13:39 PM »
Just because you don't find them funny, doesn't mean that we don't.

No, it's Sabb's official job to notify us whether something is funny or not.

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2012, 01:14:20 PM »
I feel compelled to preface my remarks with the following: I am not Sabb's whipping boy. It may help if I begin my discussion by relating an innocuous story in order to illustrate my point: A few days ago I was arguing with a particularly refractory nudnik who was insisting that free speech is wonderful as long as you're not bashing Sabb and the disorderly troglodytes in his caciquism movement. I tried to convince this snippy stool pigeon that I'll tell you what we need to do about all the craziness Sabb is mongering. We need to bring Sabb down a peg. For all intents and purposes, if his propositions get any more biased, I expect they'll grow legs and attack me in my sleep.

Sabb is squarely in favor of snobbism and its propensity to make human life negligible and cheap. This is so typical of Sabb: he condemns bigotry and injustice except when it benefits him personally. According to the latest scientific evidence, he and his bootlickers are a bunch of simpletons. As you know, simpletons are twits; twits are ignoramuses; ignoramuses are slanderers; and slanderers all want to promote mediocrity over merit. The point is that Sabb never stops boasting about his generous contributions to charitable causes. As far as I can tell, however, his claimed magnanimousness is utterly chimerical, and, furthermore, I have a hard time reasoning with people who remain calm when they see Sabb funding a vast web of vitriolic prigs, simple-minded, petulant extortionists, and inane nincompoops.

When I say that Sabb governs his buddies with a dictatorial and brutal fist, forcing them to damn this nation and this world to Hell, I consider this to mean that he is willing to promote truth and justice when it's convenient. But when it threatens his creature comforts, he throws principle to the wind. To belittle all fine social standards is an injustice.

Sabb has been fairly successful in his efforts to burn our fair cities to the ground. That just goes to show what can be done with a little greed, a complete lack of scruples, and the help of a bunch of cantankerous talebearers. In these days of political correctness and the changing of how history is taught in schools to fulfill a particular agenda, I am making a pretty serious accusation here. I am accusing him of planning to utilize legal, above-ground organizing in combination with illegal, underground tactics to abet a resurgence of malicious Marxism. And I don't want anyone to think that I am basing my accusation only on the fact that his lapdogs have the gall to accuse me of destabilizing society. Were these sanctimonious freeloaders born without a self-awareness gene? The key to answering such questions is to realize that for Sabb, all roads lead to priggism.

Sabb has repeatedly threatened to impose theological straightjackets on scriptural interpretation. Maybe that's just for maximum scaremongering effect. Or maybe it's because if Sabb were to open new avenues for the expression of hate, social upheaval and violence would follow. It is therefore clear that Sabb keeps stating over and over again that courtesy and manners don't count for anything. This drumbeat refrain is clearly not consistent with the facts on the ground—facts such as that Sabb wants nothing less than to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought, hence his repeated, almost hypnotic, insistence on the importance of his morally questionable put-downs. I have reason to believe that Sabb is about to take a condescending cheap shot at a person that most demonic schemers will never be in a position to condescend to. I pray that I'm wrong, of course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that as long as the beer keeps flowing and the paychecks keep coming, Sabb's flacks don't really care that he has been trying to conceal his plans to expand, augment, and intensify the size and intrusiveness of his coalition of presumptuous wimps and recalcitrant moochers. Fortunately, the truth about his soporific viewpoints is spreading like a jungle fire. Soon, everyone will know that I fully intend to proscribe Sabb and his vicegerents as the most dangerous enemies of the people. I will spare no labor in doing this and reckon no labor lost that brings me toward this mark. Even so, behind Sabb's mask of benevolence stands a complete plan for world government, world power, world conquest, and the promotion of devious alarmism. That conclusion is not based on some sort of scurrilous philosophy or on Sabb-style mental masturbation, but on widely known and proven principles of science. These principles explain that Sabb is known for preaching fear and ignorance. This is not only a grotesque betrayal of the principles that Sabb himself claims to uphold but a clear demonstration of how you should never forget the three most important facets of Sabb's editorials, namely their beastly origins, their internal contradictions, and their tendentious nature.

Sabb constantly insists that unfounded attacks on character, loads of hyperbole, and fallacious information are the best way to make a point. But he contradicts himself when he says that every word that leaves his mouth is teeming with useful information. Because of his scare tactics, our schools simply do not teach the basics anymore. Instead, they preach the theology of lewd exhibitionism.

Everybody loves a good game of hide-and-seek: find the person, find the hidden item, or, in Sabb's case, find the hidden agenda. Sabb's secret passion is to make things worse. For shame! Out of the vast number of devastating evils for which superficial twerps are directly or indirectly responsible, I shall pick out only a single one which is most in keeping with the inner essence of Sabb's lecherous, loathsome goals: communism. Essentially, if my own experience has taught me anything, it's that Sabb's latest diatribe is Sabb-style lunacy at its very finest. Every despicable word of that diatribe paints a perfect picture of Sabb's hysteria and reveals that Sabb has been telling everyone that space gods arriving in flying saucers will save humanity from self-destruction. I would like to remind Sabb that false words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.

Sabb keeps talking about the importance of his cause. As far as I can tell, his "cause" is to demand that Earth submit to the dominion of invidious, sexist fanatics. He deeply believes—and wants us to believe as well—that his cause is just, that it's moral, and that the world will love him for promoting it. In reality, Sabb says that everyone who scrambles aboard the Maaz Ali bandwagon is guaranteed a smooth ride. Hey, Sabb, how about telling us the truth for once?

One wonders if Sabb has the cheek to deprive individuals of the right to spread the word about his stentorian philippics to our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers—even to strangers. I, not being one of the many insincere pissants of this world, truly hope not because he wants us to feel sorry for the chthonic power brokers who mobilize support for the special interests that dominate state and private activity. I aver we should instead feel sorry for their victims, all of whom know full well that Sabb has been trying to popularize the narrative that the health effects of secondhand smoke are negligible. My fear is that if he's successful at promoting such cockamamy notions then even the man on the Clapham omnibus may agree to let him spread hatred, animosity, and divisiveness. We must burn the candle at both ends until we find a way to reinforce notions of positive self-esteem, and besides, he has been going around claiming that trees cause more pollution than automobiles do. When challenged about the veracity of that message, Sabb attributed its contradictions of the truth to "poetic license". That means "lying".

Several things Sabb has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how he can scare us by using big words like "historicocabbalistical". When I'm through with him he'll think twice before attempting to peonize and enslave his foes. Take, for example, hypocritical paper-pushers. Now look at Sabb. If you don't believe there's a similarity then consider that he's a psychologically defective person. He's what the psychiatrists call a constitutional psychopath or a sociopath. He can push me only so far and no farther. But even if we disregard all that and examine only his benighted prank phone calls, this seems to me to be enough to show that the hour is late indeed. Fortunately, it's not yet too late to discuss the relationship between three converging and ever-growing factions—lascivious thought police, stubborn opportunists, and sex-crazed showboaters. I suppose that's all I have to say in this letter. If there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars I shall be glad to furnish such additional details as may be required.

This letter comes to you in the hope that it will find the place in your mind where rationality resides and where decency and sanity, coupled with a healthy sense of anger, will trigger appropriate action. For starters, if I said that unfounded attacks on character, loads of hyperbole, and fallacious information are the best way to make a point, I'd be a liar. But I'd be being completely honest if I said that if I chose to do so I could write exclusively about Sabb's unsympathetic assertions and never be lacking for material. Nonetheless, I'd rather spend some time discussing how Sabb plans to promote gnosticism's traits as normative values to be embraced when you least expect it. I'd like to see him try to get away with such a plan; that should be good for a laugh. You see, most people have already observed that Sabb's adherents have tried repeatedly to assure me that Sabb will eventually tire of his plan to exhibit a deep disdain for all people who are not crude person non grat and will then step aside and let us substitute movement for stagnation, purposive behavior for drifting, and visions of a great future for collective pettiness and discouragement. When that will happen is unclear—probably sometime between "don't hold your breath" and "beware of flying pigs".
oh its that website that makes a essay for you

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2012, 01:20:15 PM »
No, it's Sabb's official job to notify us whether something is funny or not.
I'm pretty sure that's Jman's job.

10:27 PM - Sabb: are you litter trained

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2012, 01:28:21 PM »
I'm pretty sure that's Jman's job.
I don't see how a giant wall of text no one will actually read which has no humor in it but simply bashing people with words not their own is possibly funny... But I suppose I shouldn't judge.

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2012, 01:38:23 PM »
I don't see how a giant wall of text no one will actually read which has no humor in it but simply bashing people with words not their own is possibly funny... But I suppose I shouldn't judge.
That. And, can we lock this thread already?

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2012, 01:42:52 PM »
Anyway, simply don't post any of these texts/wallofwords anymore I get it when someone does it once or twice but when you do it more it simply gets annoying this is a trolling thread not a complaint thread

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Re: The Official flame thread
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2012, 01:43:17 PM »
That. And, can we lock this thread already?


we are supposed to be flaming
