good implementations aren't bandage fixes - they require time, and more than a fe lines of code.
I agree.
I was talking about how the knockback helps survivors. In the end the zombies will always win. Knockback is just another factor, which helps humans from wave to wave.
It is pointless why, because you say so?
It is perfectly relevant. If bullet force was made more realistic, as I reiterate again, then people would be able to move more freely and not get stuck in place from the ungodly bullet force, and thus would have far more of a chance than they do now. That also reduces the number of maps we'd need to outright nuke.
Ok, here I go... At the round start, survivors only gets pistols, which is pretty fair for both of the teams. Humans doesn't have ungodly knockback weapons. Now, when zombie classes unlock more and more, so does weapons. People start to barricade inside buildings. Lets imagine wave 8 with pistols only. It would be complete rape. When people have SMGs, it balances the gameplay. With the damage and knockback. When we go even further into the round, we find that there are more zombies than survivors. It makes the game more harder and harder for humans.
Like I said, knockback is just another factor, which helps humans to survive longer.
If there are only two zombies and couple humans have SMGs/stronger pistols in early waves, then it's map's fault. Spawncamping. It's not knockback's fault.
If you still find yourself trying to kill the last humans, but it doesn't work. It's because:
1. Entries and rooms. Room doesn't have enough entries, easily defendable entries, etc.
2. Lack of players. You cannot kill humans, if there aren't many zombies. Zombies need to repeatedly rush to take down the barricade. Step by step breaking the defence. If there are only couple zombies, then humans with SMGs can easily wipe you one by one.
3. Other map designing flaws. Ammo crates, too many props, glitches, etc.
It comes to, that knockback is bad and good. All the negative side happens to zombies, but zombies will almost always take out all humans, which balances it.
Would you like to win the round in early waves? I wouldn't. Think about changing map every 10 minute.