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Dovahkiin: a
Ἆxule: ?
Dovahkiin: so yeah
Dovahkiin: i kinda helped angel of death
Dovahkiin: you said there
Dovahkiin: not enough proof
Dovahkiin: Angel of death was afk
Dovahkiin: and tezuni just knifed him in the face
Dovahkiin: lol
Dovahkiin: since he added me
Dovahkiin: and
Dovahkiin: needed help
Dovahkiin: so i helped him
Dovahkiin: lol
Dovahkiin: but im pretty sure gusta is ghosting
Dovahkiin: you should
Dovahkiin: re read it
Ἆxule: The thing is
Ἆxule: there is no proof
Ἆxule: of Angel not shooting first
Ἆxule: and the bad luck of missing
Dovahkiin: wait
Dovahkiin: there is
Ἆxule: or even a fail knife
Dovahkiin: angel
Dovahkiin: was
Dovahkiin: afk
Ἆxule: the only proof is that he hadn't done anything before he was knifed
Ἆxule: yes
Ἆxule: and what I just said supports that claim
Ἆxule: but that fact still remains
Ἆxule: How do we know Angel hadn't done something to provoke it?
Ἆxule: thats all it really boils down to
Dovahkiin:Ἆxule: there is no proof that he did or didnt
Dovahkiin: there
Dovahkiin: first lines of
Dovahkiin: damagelog
Ἆxule: the very first lines?
Ἆxule: because it doesnt involve him
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Dovahkiin: so yeah
Dovahkiin: 5:43 PM - Ἆxule: the very first lines?
5:43 PM - Ἆxule: because it doesnt involve him
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: it does
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: i meant
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: the firs lines
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: look
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: tezuni
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: killed scoutty
5:43 PM - Dovahkiin: he might have the knife
Dovahkiin: angel was afk
Dovahkiin: and he just got killed
Dovahkiin: by tezuni
Ἆxule: and?
Ἆxule: I already aknowledged to myself how he might have gotten the knife
Ἆxule: let me check somehting though
Dovahkiin: kk
Ἆxule: I want to see if Gusta knifed anyone
Dovahkiin: none
Ἆxule: Okay
Ἆxule: so there is the possibility Gusta gave Tezuni the knife
Dovahkiin: yup
Dovahkiin: and possibility that Scoutty had the knife
Ἆxule: yes, that too
Dovahkiin: but AngelOfDeath was afk
Ἆxule: but Im saying
Dovahkiin: he explained it to me
Dovahkiin: he just got knifed
Ἆxule: you're not getting it though
Ἆxule: the proof he gave
Ἆxule: doesnt prove that Tezuni "just knifed him out of no where"
Dovahkiin: i know that
Ἆxule: it just shows Tezuni knifing him before Angel could hurt Tezuni
Dovahkiin: i know what you think
Dovahkiin: that
Dovahkiin: angel wasn't afk or something
Ἆxule: no
Dovahkiin: fff
Dovahkiin: damn it
Ἆxule: the damagelogs
Ἆxule: show that he could have been
Dovahkiin: i need learn english more
Dovahkiin: failed knifing
Dovahkiin: tezuni
Dovahkiin: and
Ἆxule: yes
Dovahkiin: lol
Ἆxule: But thats basically why I'm saying no the report
Ἆxule: that one event
Ἆxule: isn't enough
Ἆxule: to claim that the two ghosted
Dovahkiin: yeah
Dovahkiin: i know
Ἆxule: a demo would have been much more helpful
Dovahkiin: 5:52 PM - AngelOfDeath: and another thing is
5:52 PM - AngelOfDeath: if I wasnt afk
5:52 PM - AngelOfDeath: thered be damage
5:53 PM - AngelOfDeath: showing up on the logs
Ἆxule: thats not entirely true either
Ἆxule: the damagelogs can only prove so much
Ἆxule: tell me
Ἆxule: how many times when you were T, did you try to blend in with the crowd
Ἆxule: doing nothing for the longest period
Ἆxule: trying to prove yourself innocent
Dovahkiin: i dont understand the blending thing
Dovahkiin: oh wait
Dovahkiin: nvm
Dovahkiin: ijust got it
Dovahkiin: yeah
Dovahkiin: thats 1
Dovahkiin: but angel was trying to say
Dovahkiin: he was afk
Dovahkiin: and got killed
Dovahkiin: when got back
Dovahkiin: i dont really know what am i saying
Dovahkiin: lol
Ἆxule: I know what Angel said
Ἆxule: Basically
Ἆxule: he was afk
Ἆxule: came back
Ἆxule: saw Tezuni knifing him
Ἆxule: hadn't done anything
Ἆxule: assumed ghosting
Ἆxule: What I'm saying is
Ἆxule: there is no proof of that happening
Dovahkiin: like
Ἆxule: only small things supporting it
Dovahkiin: where?
Ἆxule: what?
Ἆxule: where what
Dovahkiin: I mean
Dovahkiin: Where did happen
Dovahkiin: damn it
Dovahkiin: aodkox
Dovahkiin: so yeah
Dovahkiin: continue
Ἆxule: oh
Ἆxule: anyways
Ἆxule: onl;y small things to support that this event happened that way
Ἆxule: but no absolute proof
Ἆxule: at least
Ἆxule: not enough to punish with ghosting
Ἆxule: (3wk ban)