User Steam ID | User Name:
STEAM_0:0:35907515 Axule
My In-Game Name:
.:'=-~rNd~-=':. Terminal Cancer
Fellow Witness In-Game Name:
F***in' Stone Cold
For two consecutive rounds, I was a Traitor. Both times, I would linger up top with a T buddy and the AFKs while non-Ts slid down, I'd kill one person w/ crowbar and then slide down into the lost temple whilst the T buddy up took any others. Soon after - without hurting or killing anyone else down there, or drawing suspicion, I would end up killed by Axule. In the 2nd round, F***n' Stone Cold was also a tater. Soon after I died, I was spectating F***n' Stone Cold / Axule [since they were together], witnessed F***n' Stone Cold's death - which looked like it was first blood RDM. As soon as he died, I asked if he shot first, or if Axule shot first, he said Axule shot first, and surely enough end of round damage logs show he fbRDM'd both of us.
[DISREGARD that in my demo log's filename, the date is a day off, marked the 16th when it was recorded on the 17th of his month]
Just so people are familiar with the naming convention I use for demo files:
dem_[server name]_[map name - shorthand or full map name]_[date]_[time].dem
Damage log piece - first round in question:
Demo - first round in question in question: log piece - second round:
Demo - second round in question: am also throwing in a demo from before both of the above demos - I brushed it off as nothing, since people joke about RDM, haxing, etc, but since in subsequent rounds I feel there is ample proof of first blood RDMing, that I may as well post it here. It doesn't show much more than conversations amongst people, but still, though I'd throw it out there. does seem oddly suspicious that both rounds he targets myself, and both times I'm a Traitor - and that when Stone Cold was RDM'd he too was Traitor. I hope it is just coincidence.