Are you upset about us mocking what you do? Finally coming out?yeahno don't be a dick.
because of religion.Not in my country.
Not in my country.what fucking country do you live in?
what fucking country do you live in?Lithuania.
I, personally, do not believe homosexuality is the right thing, however it is not my right to hate those people because of that choice. I have quite a few friends that are gay, and I love them none the less, I just don't don't sit there and be like "oh hey they're gay", most of the time they are actually a lot of fun to hang out with.Yes. If gay people want equal rights then they should be treated exactly like everybody else, not where it just applies to them.
There is a certain type of person I do strongly dislike that has been mentioned. I hate gay people who feel like they have an obligation or a right to everything because they're gay, or get extremely pissy over every little comment anyone makes that might be even in the slightest offensive to gays. Like seriously, I respect you and your choices, however what you do is still something out of the ordinary, so you can not expect everyone to be okay with that. It makes you no better then homophobics; I have a girl like this in my school and she absolutely drives me crazy.
Yes. If gay people want equal rights then they should be treated exactly like everybody else, not where it just applies to them.Sure it can be, even if they are "born" gay, they still choose whether or not to act out on their homosexuality or, "coming out of the closet"
"however it is not my right to hate those people because of that choice."
What? It's not a choice.
I, personally, do not believe homosexuality is the right thing, however it is not my right to hate those people because of that choice. I have quite a few friends that are gay, and I love them none the less, I just don't don't sit there and be like "oh hey they're gay", most of the time they are actually a lot of fun to hang out with.
There is a certain type of person I do strongly dislike that has been mentioned. I hate gay people who feel like they have an obligation or a right to everything because they're gay, or get extremely pissy over every little comment anyone makes that might be even in the slightest offensive to gays. Like seriously, I respect you and your choices, however what you do is still something out of the ordinary, so you can not expect everyone to be okay with that. It makes you no better then homophobics; I have a girl like this in my school and she absolutely drives me crazy.
"There is a certain type of person I do strongly dislike that has been mentioned. I hate gay people who feel like they have an obligation or a right to everything because they're gay, or get extremely pissy over every little comment anyone makes that might be even in the slightest offensive to gays. Like seriously, I respect you and your choices, however what you do is still something out of the ordinary, so you can not expect everyone to be okay with that. It makes you no better then homophobics; I have a girl like this in my school and she absolutely drives me crazy."lol no they were just as bad before most likely
This comment reminded me of the fucking kickstarter that was called "GAYMINGCON" or something where Gays and trans met up for gaming. Like they all think they are just some special group of people for doing what they do.
Also the same could be said with those annoying ass feminists.
It seems like anyone who takes a lot of pride in what they are, are usually the problem. Straights who think anyone not straight should be burned, gays who thinking they are the center of the universe, the feminist women who think they are never treated right. Etc etc.
I blame the internet. Seems like most problems came from the internet honestly... 13 year olds weren't cussing up a storm and calling everyone fagets before the internet..
lol no they were just as bad before most likely
Feminists, fays or kids?kids
Not sure if I'd agree. :p
"Also the same could be said with those annoying ass feminists.
Yep. Always rambling on about how unfair it is for them... :abuse:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I blame the internet. Seems like most problems came from the internet honestly... 13 year olds weren't cussing up a storm and calling everyone fagets before the internet..Surely the internet have made a big impact on pretty much everyone, but internet wasn't the place where this kind of problems have occurred. Those were brought in by people.
Eh, I disagree. Kids were never this bad...I think just about every group hates feminists. They're worse than the bubonic fucking plague.
I love women but hate feminists. I could bitch about them all day.
I think just about every group hates feminists. They're worse than the bubonic fucking plague.
I, personally, do not believe homosexuality is the right thing, however it is not my right to hate those people because of that choice. I have quite a few friends that are gay, and I love them none the less, I just don't don't sit there and be like "oh hey they're gay", most of the time they are actually a lot of fun to hang out with.what do you mean by that?
There is a certain type of person I do strongly dislike that has been mentioned. I hate gay people who feel like they have an obligation or a right to everything because they're gay, or get extremely pissy over every little comment anyone makes that might be even in the slightest offensive to gays. Like seriously, I respect you and your choices, however what you do is still something out of the ordinary, so you can not expect everyone to be okay with that. It makes you no better then homophobics; I have a girl like this in my school and she absolutely drives me crazy.
what do you mean by that?
Because God said so.
that pretty much sums it up.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I googled this to see if it's real... I think it is.
But 23 states I think? And I think just sex?
Also I found this gem. (
It's 27 states to marry a horse.
23 to have sex with a horse.
You can marry a horse in more states than you can have sex with them, and you can have sex with horses in more states than it's legal for gay marriage.
It's 27 states to marry a horse.
23 to have sex with a horse.
You can marry a horse in more states than you can have sex with them, and you can have sex with horses in more states than it's legal for gay marriage.
both of you stop.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
both of you stop.
>I didn't notice these.Why not six-hundred and sixty six? What are ya, a god worshiper?
I swear to god, if I see that navy seal copypasta again, I'm going to ban you for exactly six-hundred and twenty four minutes. Stop.
Why not six-hundred and sixty six? What are ya, a god worshiper?
What? You want me to double up and give you a free serving?I double dog dare you fucker.
I double dog dare you fucker.[SERIOUS THREAD]
[SERIOUS THREAD]That kinda went out the window a page ago
What are ya, a god worshiper?You dare to mock God's name? You wanna piece of me?! I will tear you apart!
Sure it can be, even if they are "born" gay, they still choose whether or not to act out on their homosexuality or, "coming out of the closet"It can be but from what I know the majority of people that are actually gay are simply wired that way and that's all there is to it. As in, a psychological aspect that a person doesn't really have control over. So you saying that they choose to act on their sexuality is kind of... illogical in my opinion. That's like saying that straight people make the choice to act on their sexuality. I mean sure they act on their sexuality by having intercourse or some sort of intimate relationship or w.e of course but there's obviously nothing wrong with that, and they're still not making the conscious decision on their sexuality either just the same as I don't think some homosexuals do. I really don't think it's fair to say that they shouldn't express their sexuality because what are they supposed to do then? Sit around on their own, not dare to think of any intimate relationship because their sexuality isn't "normal?" Though, I'm not talking about every gay person actually. I do think a lot of people just go through a phase or something and that can be for many reasons so those obviously aren't the people I'm talking about. I'm also not sure exactly what you mean by you disagreeing with it. Not sure if you mean their choice or just certain people or homosexuality in general but if you're saying that you disagree with them acting on their sexuality then why shouldn't they? If you're going to say that, then I think it's fair to say that no one should despite what their sexuality might be whether that's a choice made by them or not.
I can agree with what you're saying about certain gay people though. Those are the ones that I usually don't think of as a true homosexual though. That's the person I think that is only a "homosexual" for a phase for attention usually, and that's most likely a choice for them which they will eventually venture away from. At least that's how I see it. But no offence, I don't see how it's anyone's right to judge homosexuality in a sweeping generalization as "right" or "wrong." Nor is it necessary. It simply exists and I think it's best to keep it that way and not openly judge and criticise something that we really know nothing about.I think that saying that homosexuality is right or wrong is everyone's personal choice and opinion, but it is still considered as being different and being different does have some restrictions in our world, for example expressing their sexuality in public, people would definitely react different to homosexuals then straight people. Now whether it is allowed or not to express it is up to the laws that apply in the country.
One of my best friends is a homosexual transgender.I don't like homosexuality but I don't think I would have any problems tolerating a homosexual if he wouldn't act like a complete idiot.
People who don't like homosexuality are the ones are either Bible bangers, Homo phobics or just general dicks.
Hell my best friend is bisexual.
When people say "I'm okay with X as long as they don't Y", do they ever think that of people like them?Yeah, I should have been more clear on that lol, I wouldn't tolerate idiots regardless of what sexuality they are.
Or is it okay for those to have the things that bother you from the others?
I'm saying this because
>I don't like homosexuality but I don't think I would have any problems tolerating a homosexual if he wouldn't act like a complete idiot.
leads me to believe that he wouldn't tolerate a homosexual person if they were idiots, but if they were straight it'd be no problem.
Don't take this as an attack, this is just my interpretation and I like truly understanding people.
One of my best friends is a homosexual transgender.
People who don't like homosexuality are the ones are either Bible bangers, Homo phobics or just general dicks.
Hell my best friend is bisexual.
i think same thingy ( i mean hateing ) happen to furrysWell, everything diffirent usually is hated at first. But furries are VERY different.
Well, everything diffirent usually is hated at first. But furries are VERY different.
I agree. The furry thing is a very different thing. It follows more of "wanting to be unique" thing and fetish(although a lot will say it isn't a fetish)For somes, such as me, it's just a fetish. For others, it's a lifestyle. It's exactly the same with BDSM culture.
The furry thing is something I will never understand... I just don't get it.
For somes, such as me, it's just a fetish. For others, it's a lifestyle. It's exactly the same with BDSM culture.
As I mentioned before, this statement is outrageously false because actual "Bible bangers" are supposed to know that they're not supposed to hate anyone, they're supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner.What kind of bible fuckers have you met?
What kind of bible fuckers have you met?
Most that I've met think most liberal ideas (gay marriage, abortion, mary jane) should be abolished since it is immoral because of the bible. They rather raze the sinner than forgive it.
They want the bible to be the rule of law, and Jesus to be the judge.
What kind of bible fuckers have you met?Well then those people clearly misunderstand the bible.
Most that I've met think most liberal ideas (gay marriage, abortion, mary jane) should be abolished since it is immoral because of the bible. They rather raze the sinner than forgive it.
They want the bible to be the rule of law, and Jesus to be the judge.
What kind of bible fuckers have you met?
Most that I've met think most liberal ideas (gay marriage, abortion, mary jane) should be abolished since it is immoral because of the bible. They rather raze the sinner than forgive it.
They want the bible to be the rule of law, and Jesus to be the judge.
"Kill them all, let God sort them out!""Your rights end where my religion begins!"
I agree. The furry thing is a very different thing. It follows more of "wanting to be unique" thing and fetish(although a lot will say it isn't a fetish)Spaghetti bronies. The exact stereotypes the internet depicts them to be.
What kind of bible fuckers have you met?
Most that I've met think most liberal ideas (gay marriage, abortion, mary jane) should be abolished since it is immoral because of the bible. They rather raze the sinner than forgive it.
They want the bible to be the rule of law, and Jesus to be the judge.
From a religious standpoint, I don't support it. However, looking at it in the big picture I can't see how it is still illegal. There is no "good" reason outside of a few hints in the Bible that suggest it is sinful. But, America is no longer a Christian nation, so the Bible should not still be used as a guidebook for rules, and it never should have. Otherwise the whole "Freedom of Religion" amendment it a bunch of crap.Religion shouldn't even be put before state in the first place. The government should just really tell the south/bible nuts "too bad" and just let it happen. Not like mankind will be extinct or the apocalypse would happen.