yesh, i know were getting to know where.
lets end this.
My Standards:Lighten Up A Bit, even if you are a respected, you aren't suppose to be a moderator, its a game, have fun, don't worry about kicking too much.
No verbal disrespect against ea other. [etc.faggot,bitch,homo,asshole,cunt] that means neither I or you can say shit about ea other.
Watch the raging kid In RND Flood't kick without warnings. if someones breaking a rule, warn them once [etc. stop or kick], if they do it again, warn them twice if it is not a big deal, or kick after one warning if the player is breaking a big rule and they are bugging others.
Only use ban when the player comes back to the server and does it continuously again.
thats all.. btw i got respected