
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Handglove on October 14, 2009, 01:44:55 PM

Title: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Handglove on October 14, 2009, 01:44:55 PM
My pole got deleted for some reason. But I am posting this new post. Crazed I am hoping that we can come to a truce. My standards are that you shall not vote yes in a votekick just because you dont like them. I know you never have , I think. Dont whine or complain when you get kicked. I may think of more. But what are your standards? Hopefully we can work something out.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Banana Hat on October 14, 2009, 01:51:51 PM
Now we are getting somewhere.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Pryvisee on October 14, 2009, 02:48:49 PM
Now we are getting somewhere.
yes finally... but i wanted to see the poll :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Banana Hat on October 14, 2009, 02:58:02 PM
This is no place for a popularity contest.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Pryvisee on October 14, 2009, 02:59:57 PM
This is no place for a popularity contest.
sorry... oh and i saw the results in the boneyard
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: crazed gunner on October 15, 2009, 05:46:58 AM
yesh, i know were getting to know where.
lets end this.

My Standards:

Lighten Up A Bit, even if you are a respected, you aren't suppose to be a moderator, its a game, have fun, don't worry about kicking too much.

No verbal disrespect against ea other. [etc.faggot,bitch,homo,asshole,cunt] that means neither I or you can say shit about ea other.

Watch the raging kid In RND Flood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfJb5k9CicQ

Don't kick without warnings. if someones breaking a rule, warn them once [etc. stop or kick], if they do it again, warn them twice if it is not a big deal, or kick after one warning if the player is breaking a big rule and they are bugging others.
Only use ban when the player comes back to the server and does it continuously again.

thats all.. btw i got respected  ;D

Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Banana Hat on October 15, 2009, 08:32:15 AM
Shuddup you faggy cuntty bitch. Your an asshole >:(
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: cable330 on October 15, 2009, 12:36:28 PM
Lol wow so immature kids. Oh hey i could hear boat sinker's voice.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Sanders on October 15, 2009, 01:29:00 PM

Only use ban when the player comes back to the server and does it continuously again.

Or you are on build and someone is about to crash the server...
*doesn't stop*
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: Handglove on October 15, 2009, 01:39:12 PM
Ok Crazed Gunner I agree to your standards.FROM HERE ON OUT HANDGLOVE AND CRAZED GUNNER ARE DONE FIGHTING!!!!!!!! ;D And congrats on getting respected Crazed.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: crazed gunner on October 15, 2009, 02:26:37 PM
yesh. and the anoying kid on the video isnt meh.
it is some random 5 year old who came into the server.
i love how it says IM POOPIN.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 15, 2009, 04:41:59 PM
ZOMFG Is this true? It's stopped? Damn... well anyways Crazed can me and you now stop fighting also? Lmao. I haven't been insulting you lately or anything so I'm hoping we can just end this and pretend it didn't hapen.
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: crazed gunner on October 16, 2009, 06:40:32 AM
ZOMFG Is this true? It's stopped? Damn... well anyways Crazed can me and you now stop fighting also? Lmao. I haven't been insulting you lately or anything so I'm hoping we can just end this and pretend it didn't hapen.
ya ill stop,
just dont spam gay stuff too much, maybe just once in a while, dont do it everytime u come in the server.., ya thats the only standard
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 16, 2009, 12:42:48 PM
Lol kk... I actually have not been spamming for a long while but is it still okay if i join the game saying "IT'S TIME TO KICK ASS AND CHEW BUBBLE GUM!"? XD (just not spam it)
Title: Re: Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.
Post by: cable330 on October 16, 2009, 02:52:31 PM
yesh. and the anoying kid on the video isnt meh.
it is some random 5 year old who came into the server.
i love how it says IM POOPIN.
Lolz yeah. "IM POOPIN`" Lolz