Tech Lounge > Mapping

Zs map "Cosmic Lounge"

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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Proudly Infected on July 22, 2010, 08:33:13 PM ---My epic camera skills. and uh.. fraps recorded it?

--- End quote ---
Yeah, I got fraps, but how did you make the camera move so perfectly, is it h4x?

Proudly Infected:

--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 22, 2010, 08:38:16 PM ---Yeah, I got fraps, but how did you make the camera move so perfectly, is it h4x?

--- End quote ---

Haha, no that's pure mouse and my steady hand.

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Proudly Infected on July 22, 2010, 08:41:04 PM ---Haha, no that's pure mouse and my steady hand.

--- End quote ---
You sir, have nice hands.

devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: Proudly Infected on July 22, 2010, 08:41:04 PM ---Haha, no that's pure mouse and my steady hand.

--- End quote ---

It's true I saw him while I was making dinner that he *cough* didn't help me with.

But yeah this map reminds me of aelous!

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 22, 2010, 08:45:21 PM ---It's true I saw him while I was making dinner that he *cough* didn't help me with.

But yeah this map reminds me of aelous!

--- End quote ---


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