Tech Lounge > Mapping

Zs map "Cosmic Lounge"

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Proudly Infected:
So I basically got stuck on some problems and moved to see with what I could come up with.. and found some inspiration in this billiards game map.

Uploaded with

so clearly My map didn't turn out as cool as that. But FUCK it. good enough lol. anyway read video description for more and lemme know what you think.

Source SDK - Cosmic Lounge

devvybabe ♥:
I like it.
I like all your maps :) I love your hard work put into it.

Good job babe! :)

Tiger Guy:
a. Looks cool.

b. How the fuck did you record the video like that? I CAME BECAUSE OF THE SWIFTING, PERFECT CAMERA

Proudly Infected:

--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 22, 2010, 08:30:42 PM ---a. Looks cool.

b. How the fuck did you record the video like that? I CAME BECAUSE OF THE SWIFTING, PERFECT CAMERA

--- End quote ---

My epic camera skills. and uh.. fraps recorded it?

it'll look even better after some custom textures and maybe models? have been added in, Whitey and reflectiony :) Dont forget that bar and shiz. think ABSTRACT, forget the laws of physics and mass.


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