Tech Lounge > Mapping

Zs map "Cosmic Lounge"

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Proudly Infected:

--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 22, 2010, 08:43:22 PM ---You sir, have nice hands.

--- End quote ---

Naw, just fuckin with you. My mousepad would have to be bigger than my table for me to have enough room for that. It's a camera addon. Here's the link. It easy and awesome. just doesn't work with source recorder:

:o Fascinating.
Nice camera skills

It looks really cool. You did a really nice job on the video too! Too bad my internet is like slow to the extreme.

When will you be releasing it? I was also wondering how long it took you to make the map? (Cause I'm such a slow mapper, lol.)

HD+Assassin's Creed music+awesome camera movements = EPIC SHIZ

And the map looks cool, looks more like a fun build map than a ZS map lol

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Proudly Infected on July 22, 2010, 08:50:12 PM ---Naw, just fuckin with you. My mousepad would have to be bigger than my table for me to have enough room for that. It's a camera addon. Here's the link. It easy and awesome. just doesn't work with source recorder:

--- End quote ---
Thanks, I HAVE THE POWER!!!1 to make better videos.


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