so when i was 8 i couldn't swim that well
I was in Florida
my sister and I where swimming.
she went in the deep end
I almost drown the both of us in the process but some how
I figured out how to swim that moment. THX GOD
* Tomcat prays
So I was going to go up on a roof to do my roofing job on a 3 story house.
They made me the "carry monkey"
I had to bring everything up with me 50 lb rolls or tar paper 80-100 lb packs of shingles nail guns compresses and such
his ladder was only made to go up 25 feet.
they got up and I was going to be the last one up
The roof was 26 feet so the ladder was only touching the gutter at a very steep angle.
When i was carrying the removing tools I felt the ladder moving. IT STARTED GOING BACKWARDS!!
the neighbors house was only 10 feet away so when the moment came I dropped the paper and jumped 6 feet down on to the neighbors roof.
I got a 100 dollar bonus that day

and the respect of the day. (I was new to the contracted at the time)
I wish i had a video camera

But iam lucky to be alive so yeah