I haven't been on nearly enough to have abused my respected. And it wasn't just ME you caded out, you caded out about ten other people too. You caded out Crypto, Punisher, some other guy who's name I forgot that started with 'P', and about seven other people.
The only questionable voteban I delivered was when I votebanned that guy for flooding the chamber in Mountains of the Afterlife, of which Tomcat decided to give me a second chance and repromote me.
And that second ban was because he was playing really obnoxious music super loud into his mics and everybody was saying, "Somebody ban him!"
He exaggerated his report to imply that I was the only one who was caded out, and he didn't specify what the other ban was for. And, shocker:
He (or somebody else) caded a few other people out (including me) before he did the bannable one. And I said these exact words:
Don't early cade this again while people are outside, or you will get banned.
So I gave him a warning, big whoop, he doesn't listen to it, he gets banned.
And, I'll restate, I haven't been on often enough lately to abuse respected.