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Disk drive failed need new pc

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Cake Face:
Happened to me 3 times now.

2 times where my old 80gig's burned out...pc flashes bsod and restarts
1 time my mom kicked over my desk stand and my computer and xbox came crashing down, pc hard drive broke (xbox was fine thank god), i have a crack in my monitor because of that.

Then here i am today. Someohow after I install a program, it will delete the desktop icon and startmenu bar.

Get an external usb hard drive enclosure, I had a hdd go bad on me, it wouldn't boot when installed into my computer, but when I put it into a usb enclosure I was able to access my files on it. Not guaranteed to work but might give you a chance to get your files, and the enclosures are only like 20 dollars.

Other than that, the server has quite a few of your maps, just re-download them and de-compile them. It sucks to lose the progress you made on them, but hell its better than nothing.

Ive got a hard disk backup usb thingy ill give it a try.


--- Quote from: Xrain on June 05, 2010, 02:18:52 PM ---Get an external usb hard drive enclosure, I had a hdd go bad on me, it wouldn't boot when installed into my computer, but when I put it into a usb enclosure I was able to access my files on it. Not guaranteed to work but might give you a chance to get your files, and the enclosures are only like 20 dollars.

Other than that, the server has quite a few of your maps, just re-download them and de-compile them. It sucks to lose the progress you made on them, but hell its better than nothing.

--- End quote ---

ive done that lol

Yeah gmod is a pain when it comes to the right content needed.


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