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Disk drive failed need new pc

(1/12) > >>

My disk drive has crashed out on me. I cannot start it up and i havnt backed up anything so that means any wip maps i have been working on are lost. I can continue but it sucks to have lost so much hard work. gm dust wont be finished. I wont be on the servers for maybe a long time until i can get a new pc.

Thank you for your understanding.

it really sucks, but i cant be too bothered by it cus now i can prob get  better newer comp tan my older one, one that doesnt shit bricks every time i do something on it.

Tiger Guy:
OH SHI-  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Sucks real bad man :(
Had to go through that not to long ago.
Luckily WD gave me a new one :)

Good luck, brother.

Feels bad, man.

Damn that sux, happened to me too....twice lawl =\
Good luck getting a good new computer =O


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