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I've just thought about something really annoying me.Is it possible to make it so that only the player that killed a certain thing can get the loot?For example, if you destroy a crate, only YOU can get the loot dropped by the crate?It's really annoying to get everything stolen all the time.
Andrew: your mom spazzes.:RND`=- Tomcat: not meTomcat: andrewTomcat: dont go there.:RND`=- Tomcat: i will rape you all they way back to 1980
If we get this i wanna get in on coding weps and shit
local Item = QuickCreateItemTable(BaseWeapon, "weapon_ranged_junkrifle", "Junky Rifle", "Crafted with the junkiest materials around.", "icons/weapon_sniper1")Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Weapons/w_annabelle.mdl", Vector(-12.4, 1.9, 1.4), Angle(10, -176, -7.4))Item = AddModel(Item, "models/healthvial.mdl", Vector(-1.4, 1, -7.9), Angle(83.6, -2, 180))Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Items/battery.mdl", Vector(-0.1, -0.8, -2.8), Angle(95.7, 178.7, -178.7))Item = AddModel(Item, "models/props_c17/utilityconnecter006.mdl", Vector(1.2, -11.3, 1), Angle(-0.7, -93, 6))Item = AddStats(Item, 22, 0.02, 2, 25) --(35)Item = AddSound(Item, "weapons/ar1/ar1_dist2.wav", "weapons/crossbow/reload1.wav")Item.Weight = 2Item.Level = 5Item.SellPrice = 450Item.HoldType = "smg"Item.AmmoType = "ar2"
local Item = QuickCreateItemTable(BaseWeapon, "weapon_melee_skullmace", "Skull Mace", "Smack people with a skull :D", "icons/weapon_axe")Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS.mdl", Vector(1, -0.6, 20.2), Angle(-161.3, -71.6, -166.6))Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl", Vector(-0.3, 1.7, -9.5), Angle(-3.3, 89, -10))Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl", Vector(0.1, 0.1, 18.6), Angle(-2, 94.3, 180))Item = AddStats(Item, 22, 1)Item = AddSound(Item, "weapons/iceaxe/iceaxe_swing1.wav")Item.Level = 4Item.Weight = 1Item.SellPrice = 235
x???x: buy the bugbait[XF49_90*2=3-2]Faggottron 3000: HMM OK
i can get da gamemode with da map?
We had some guy host it for like a month it got old will fast.... everyone beat the game in like 2 days...