Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Server Requests/Suggestions => Topic started by: sleepersoft on May 27, 2010, 09:13:19 PM
new (MMO)RPG, called Underdone, would you like to see this gamemode on the RND server? if you would like to test it out i have a poorly made server up, ssedev.ath.cx:27017 . please dl map before you join,
link: http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=94051 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=94051)
for those who dont have a garysmod.org account you can find the map here @ ssedev.ath.cx/underdone
all quests, items, levels, spawns, and icons are all editable and can easily be changed or added.
i personally am intersted and can see this gamemode developing into a hit in the community,
please post your comments, criticism, etc, pertaining to the Underdone gamemode.
much thanks -Sleepersoft
P.S. Ep2 is required... :\
image references
http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=98402_1 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=98402_1)
http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=98402_3 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=98402_3)
Wanted ideas/concepts for:
-items (this includes; consumables, tools, weapon parts, etc.)
-recipes (such as part crafting [could be for weapons], food cooking, science[for example charcoal concentration to make gunpowder] etc... im open to all suggestions)
-quests (what kind of lavish tasks you would like to try to kill yourself over to complete)
-weapon looks ( all i need is pics of concept weapons[both melee and ranged] you would like to have your character hold, for example: pics like a regular Annabell with nocollided props on the gun to give it a cool look yet realistic. [props like utility connectors on the barrel, maybe a milk carton at the stock with a soda can as the magazine clip and glass bottle at the tip to make a silenced gun]
I could see that making a "quest", adding weapons, customizing the lua would be a fun experience for me and the servers.
I would plan to make quests, fershure.
+1 on this idea.
Me and Frank played it for hours today (both lvl 7 now) and fuck yes, this shit is addictive. We both love it.
Only problem with it is that the Gamemode sometimes nomnom's Chat messages, meaning that the other Player can't see it.
trying it now
I would like to see Gmod Racer more.
Just played, epic
Just played, epic
Indeed we so need this Lol
sorry for double post but bump and
Looks pretty epic man.
Looks pretty epic man.
It is epic man.
hey all, to have this on the RND community i need more votes... i want you guys to tell others about the gamemode, to have them try it out and vote! :D more votes needed to convince coolz to host this.
Future possible additions to underdone
this gamemode has soo much possibility :DDD
This gamemode is great, and has the basis to become something really good.
My idea:
Since there are junky versions of the guns (junky pistol, junky smg, ect.) add more levels of guns.
junky pistol, regular pistol, gold pistol, laz0r pistol
I know its runescape style, but its a tried and true formula.
This gamemode is great, and has the basis to become something really good.
Hmm i was reading somewhere that this is still in Beta. so the poeple working on it still have updates in the future :P
If we host it I will probably make a thread for people to think up quests so I can get them coded easier. lol
It's an amazing game mode. There are only a few things I find lacking.
#1. I think that teirs for special crafting and such should actually do something. I grinded my chemical engineering teir for pretty much nothing.
#2. More quests, in certain areas in the game, the only way you can lvl up is grinding which gets boring. More quests would really help.
#3. More weapons, all there is are a few melee weps and guns at low levels, then you have to wait until you're like level 30 for a new weapon.
#4. More crafts, I enjoy craft grinding because I get lots of money, but currently I have only 3 crafts and they get boring.
If we work on these things, it would probably be a lot better.
#3. More weapons, all there is are a few melee weps and guns at low levels, then you have to wait until you're like level 30 for a new weapon.
Hmm you get better guns and armor from killing carbines... i now have a sniper :P
well the gamemode is a beta release, meaning its an unfinished release so of course there will be flaws, and as far as i know other server communities are developing it, not the original owner and they're using it for their server only, so their updates aren't something we can easily obtain let alone ask for and expect to recieve... besides its not like we cant code it ourselves... @Krasher, theres no need for a seperate thread all quest suggestions and ideas can be posted here, it would be a pain trying to keep up with more than one post for one project. many things usually gets double posted anyways.Quests are easy to code in. so all suggestions can be posted here and ill implement them onto the beta server.
@Krasher, theres no need for a seperate thread all quest suggestions and ideas can be posted here, it would be a pain trying to keep up with more than one post for one project. many things usually gets double posted anyways.Quests are easy to code in. so all suggestions can be posted here and ill implement them onto the beta server.
lol /:P.
Quest 1.
Tasks["WtfH4X"] = {
NAME = "Wtf H4X",
"You know that bigass Antlion Guard? Well we are having\n"..
"problems with the fucker! Gather some oil so we can\n"..
"set a charge on his home!\n",
TOGET = {item_oil = 20 ,EXP = 2000,},
REWARD = {item_dollars = 500,EXP = 700,},
here is the structure of how quests are:
local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_oil"
Quest.PrintName = "Oil Drum"
Quest.Story = "I require some oil from a Oil Drum, return to me the oil i need and i will make it worth your while."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Very good here is a gift that i think will be of some use to you."
Quest.Level = 1
Quest.ObtainItems = {}
Quest.ObtainItems["quest_oil"] = 1
Quest.GainedExp = 30
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["armor_helm_junkhelmet"] = 1
local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_killzombies"
Quest.PrintName = "Kill zombie"
Quest.Story = "Zombies a always attacking newcommers here. Say, tell you what, you kill a couple of them things and I will give you some cash for it."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Nice job, I like the way you handled those zombies lets do this more often."
Quest.Level = 5
Quest.Kill = {}
Quest.Kill["zombie"] = 8
Quest.GainedExp = 50
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["money"] = 70
i encourage everyone to make their own quests, based on their difficulty of what is necessary to do for the quest should reflect the level requirement.
i like yours krasher what do you think of this? instead of quest_oil to have it
blackpowder, explosivespin, and fuel. fuel is made by refining methanol, black powder could be made from charcoal, and pin out of tincan using the wrench and pliers. someone earlier made a note that the doing wood distillation over and over was for nothing, well now we can let it have a purpose. also as a a reward you'd get a book on how to learn to craft grenades. where youll need fuel, blackpowder, tincan, explosivespin, and pliers and wrench. i can have the lvl requirement be 20, you think that'd be fair?
here is the structure of how quests are:
local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_oil"
Quest.PrintName = "Oil Drum"
Quest.Story = "I require some oil from a Oil Drum, return to me the oil i need and i will make it worth your while."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Very good here is a gift that i think will be of some use to you."
Quest.Level = 1
Quest.ObtainItems = {}
Quest.ObtainItems["quest_oil"] = 1
Quest.GainedExp = 30
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["armor_helm_junkhelmet"] = 1
local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_killzombies"
Quest.PrintName = "Kill zombie"
Quest.Story = "Zombies a always attacking newcommers here. Say, tell you what, you kill a couple of them things and I will give you some cash for it."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Nice job, I like the way you handled those zombies lets do this more often."
Quest.Level = 5
Quest.Kill = {}
Quest.Kill["zombie"] = 8
Quest.GainedExp = 50
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["money"] = 70
i encourage everyone to make their own quests, based on their difficulty of what is necessary to do for the quest should reflect the level requirement.
i like yours krasher what do you think of this? instead of quest_oil to have it
blackpowder, explosivespin, and fuel. fuel is made by refining methanol, black powder could be made from charcoal, and pin out of tincan using the wrench and pliers. someone earlier made a note that the doing wood distillation over and over was for nothing, well now we can let it have a purpose. also as a a reward you'd get a book on how to learn to craft grenades. where youll need fuel, blackpowder, tincan, explosivespin, and pliers and wrench. i can have the lvl requirement be 20, you think that'd be fair?
Well, lvl 20 seems like enough.
local Quest = {}
Quest.Name = "quest_grenade"
Quest.PrintName = "Controlled Combustion Device"
Quest.Story = "I had an idea for a new 'Combustable Weapon', give me the supplies I require and I might give you the diagram for it."
Quest.TurnInStory = "Thank you for helping me! As promised, here is a copy of the diagram to make this device."
Quest.Level = 20
Quest.ObtainItems = {}
Quest.ObtainItems["item_charcoal", "item_tin", "item_pin", "item_pliers", "items_wrench"] = 1
Quest.GainedExp = 100
Quest.GainedItems = {}
Quest.GainedItems["item_craft_grenade"] = 1
Can you have it the higher your teir in a certain thing the more effective the weapon you make is like you guys said the grenade, when you go up a teir it would do more damamge and have a wider range for having a higher teir. Sorry if that is worded weirdly. But yeah, more weapons and quests would be pretty epic.
Diffrently need more stuff to do I've already beat every quest...
I will go into Visual Studio and make QuestMaker.exe, let's hope this can cutdown on the amount of things I have to do
Diffrently need more stuff to do I've already beat every quest...
make some quest suggestions here!!! i can easily make them!
This game is great, I've always wanted to play a shooting MMORPG where you could aim instead of selecting a target and your character automatically attacks it.
There are a couple of things I would like to suggest.
Better looking armour and weapons, I mean come on go to sandbox mode and experiment then put it into use, I've made a Fallout 3 Shishkabob.
Weapon tiers and modifications! From junky to refined and extra stuff to put on your gun like extended magazine or scope. Iron sights would be nice. Also automatic junky rifle or just automatic rifle.
More enemies? lolol colour the combines and name them differently.
damn not pingaz'd
damn not pingaz'd
its pingaz'd....bish!
I've just thought about something really annoying me.
Is it possible to make it so that only the player that killed a certain thing can get the loot?
For example, if you destroy a crate, only YOU can get the loot dropped by the crate?
It's really annoying to get everything stolen all the time.
I've just thought about something really annoying me.
Is it possible to make it so that only the player that killed a certain thing can get the loot?
For example, if you destroy a crate, only YOU can get the loot dropped by the crate?
It's really annoying to get everything stolen all the time.
erm, I've seen people break crates and I heard the dropping sound but I didn't see any money or wood.
tried it even without ep2 its EPIC
http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=906847 (http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=906847)
If we get this i wanna get in on coding weps and shit
If we get this i wanna get in on coding weps and shit
why not start right now? :P heres an example structure on ranged weapons
local Item = QuickCreateItemTable(BaseWeapon, "weapon_ranged_junkrifle", "Junky Rifle", "Crafted with the junkiest materials around.", "icons/weapon_sniper1")
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Weapons/w_annabelle.mdl", Vector(-12.4, 1.9, 1.4), Angle(10, -176, -7.4))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/healthvial.mdl", Vector(-1.4, 1, -7.9), Angle(83.6, -2, 180))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Items/battery.mdl", Vector(-0.1, -0.8, -2.8), Angle(95.7, 178.7, -178.7))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/props_c17/utilityconnecter006.mdl", Vector(1.2, -11.3, 1), Angle(-0.7, -93, 6))
Item = AddStats(Item, 22, 0.02, 2, 25) --(35)
Item = AddSound(Item, "weapons/ar1/ar1_dist2.wav", "weapons/crossbow/reload1.wav")
Item.Weight = 2
Item.Level = 5
Item.SellPrice = 450
Item.HoldType = "smg"
Item.AmmoType = "ar2"
as well as an example of mele:
local Item = QuickCreateItemTable(BaseWeapon, "weapon_melee_skullmace", "Skull Mace", "Smack people with a skull :D", "icons/weapon_axe")
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS.mdl", Vector(1, -0.6, 20.2), Angle(-161.3, -71.6, -166.6))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl", Vector(-0.3, 1.7, -9.5), Angle(-3.3, 89, -10))
Item = AddModel(Item, "models/Gibs/HGIBS_spine.mdl", Vector(0.1, 0.1, 18.6), Angle(-2, 94.3, 180))
Item = AddStats(Item, 22, 1)
Item = AddSound(Item, "weapons/iceaxe/iceaxe_swing1.wav")
Item.Level = 4
Item.Weight = 1
Item.SellPrice = 235
any questions please ask :D
I want to try it D:!
lol thats easy but do i change the Item Var to the name i want
Well this kinda died quick didn't it? I really thought we had something here :(
Are u guys gonna make a rANdOm underdone server?
GMR would be better. Why not revive the racing gamemode, and if it gets popular again, switch RND to Underdone when its out of beta, that way, both the communities will carry on. Instead of dying out which it most likely will with only 2 servers.
i can get da gamemode with da map?
i can get da gamemode with da map?
We had some guy host it for like a month it got old will fast.... everyone beat the game in like 2 days...
We had some guy host it for like a month it got old will fast.... everyone beat the game in like 2 days...
That ^^^ I had like over 10mil money there lol and all the clothes n stuff, and I don't even have EP2 (which was needed there lol)
A RND PERP server would be awesome =D
That ^^^ I had like over 10mil money there lol and all the clothes n stuff, and I don't even have EP2 (which was needed there lol)
Get ep2.... i don't play it but i have it for the textures and whatnot..
Hey guys, this looks really great.
I was wondering, however, if you could code it so that based on which quests you accept/decline, your relations with different factions change.
For instance: If you were to take a job for the civil protection, could you make it so that all combine NPC's are now friendly/neutral towards you?
This is a concept I took from Freelancer (spaceship game), but this concept can be applied here too very easily.
This is dead itchy :3
No but... it looked like such a great mod!!! :(
It is fun ... for about two hours. Then it just starts getting bored like shit.
It is fun ... for about two hours. Then it just starts getting bored like shit.
The admins could jsut add more quests and fun stuff
The admins could jsut add more quests and fun stuff
And that's why we should have RP server =D
It's always fun, and you can always add stuff =D