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If you were stranded on an island...

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--- Quote from: PhrozenFox on May 15, 2010, 08:37:46 PM ---1. Frank
2. Furry porn
3. That is LEET!

--- End quote ---

iz not possible

Frank=Furry porn


--- Quote from: † Fränk † on May 15, 2010, 03:39:41 PM ---1. Doeni
2. Devie
3. Kräsher
4. Phrozen
5. Magic
6. War Striker
7. Yomogimochi.

If I bring those, I bring their st00f too.

--- End quote ---
Not me  :(

Oooh I would bring:

1. Saw
2. Hammer
3. Screws
4. Banana seeds
5. Laser beam
6. How-to all-in-one guide of building stuff
7. Solar panels

What I'll do is:

Saw trees so I'll have wood, build a house, a bed, a fishing rod and some more stuff that I need, I'll take the hammer to build these stuff properly with the screws, plant the banana seeds near my house, put the solar panels on my house and around it so I'll have electricity, build a computer using the guide, use the laser beam to build metal stuff and also the comp, use the guide to build a helicopter, live there until I had enough, use the heli to get back home - END =D

» Magic «:
1. PDAFreak14
2. My computer
3. A internetz
4. Coolzeldad
5. Hunting equipment
6. Stuff to build a house
7. A girl for me + Pda to share and a sex toy for coolz


--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on May 16, 2010, 04:23:00 AM ---1. PDAFreak14
2. My computer
3. A internetz
4. Coolzeldad
5. Hunting equipment
6. Stuff to build a house
7. A girl for me + Pda to share and a sex toy for coolz

--- End quote ---
Coolz dun liek gurls ?
omg lawl, sex toy for coolz.


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