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If you were stranded on an island...

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Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: jimonions on May 15, 2010, 05:30:54 PM ---A boat
500 year supply of food
A lawnchair
my swimsuit
a generator
kickass long range laptop that has satellite internet connection

That pretty much sums up what i could do the rest of my life without having to deal with anyone else.
Yes i broke the rules :p but 500 years supply of food isnt infinite :D

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planning on living 500 years?  :)

devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on May 15, 2010, 09:01:12 PM ---because dead people can burry themselves LOL

--- End quote ---

easy digging your own grave, with tombstone set up and everything.
Sitting in your coffin comfortably with pink fabrics.
Shutting urself in.
Handy-dandy revolver comes in.

Then room with many virgins.

Need moar detail for common sense or nu?


--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on May 15, 2010, 09:02:28 PM ---planning on living 500 years?  :)

--- End quote ---
Im not jimonions but i know what hes going to say:

"I plan on living 100 years while eating 500 years worth of food."


Oh yea what do I bring...

does a lifetime supply of pornography count as hax?

I will assume it doesnt. Therefore, from most important to least important:

1. Lifetime supply of porn
2. Treasure chest to put my porn in (i dont want to get sand in my porn)
3. Desk (made out of solar panels for power, plus battery for night time)
4. Computer (monitor and stuff too)
5. Computer chair (better be high quality)
6. Hat (dude I dont want the sun in my eyes)
7. Fishing rod (so I can catch fishes for food)

This would be the badass isolated lifestyle. Sitting all day in computer chair making hax, playin games, and fappan. Before someone thinks its really lame to bring porn, imagine living an extended period of time without the opposite gender around. There you go. When you are completely stranded you can make food and you can make shelter, but you cant make porn.


Im jimonions, creator of all and predicter of expected life times.

1 portal gun
2 Bed
3 Mah godpowers
Being stranded is as easy as 1,2,3!


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