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If you were stranded on an island...

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Boat Sinker:
You will never be able to get off the island. It is 100 square miles long. you are only allowed to have 7 things to help you survive. what would they be?

and youre not allowed a lifetime supply of stuff, food, water, electrical stuff, or anything cheap like that lol.

mine: (not in order)

1. Rifle with Ammo
2. Fire Starter
3. bike
4. Canoe
5. fishing gear
6. tarp
7. machete

1. Mahoosive boat to move the whole island
2. Case of root beer
3. Hammok
4. Pocket knife

1. Doeni
2. Devie
3. Kräsher
4. Phrozen
5. Magic
6. War Striker
7. Yomogimochi.

If I bring those, I bring their st00f too.

devvybabe ♥:
Hm... Interesting thread. Makes me really think about if I really WERE stranded on an island and I was only to bring 7 things.

1. A rope
2. A chair or a stool (must be sturdy enough for me to stand on)
3. A revolver
4. cyanide
5. Bottle of jack daniels
6. Coffin
7. Tombstone

Hopefully you got the hint from the 7 things I desire to bring.

omg gurl, you be fuckin depressive!


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