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Mic Age limit....

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--- Quote from: Mr.Franklin on May 03, 2010, 07:33:58 PM ---I still think the age limit should be 35 ^^

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Sorry Franklin that is far too young. It has been scientifically proven that people remain annoying on mics until they get past their first century of life.


--- Quote from: Xrain on May 04, 2010, 12:12:06 AM ---
Sorry Franklin that is far too young. It has been scientifically proven that people remain annoying on mics until they get past their first century of life.

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NOU! after 100, you can barely speak lol

ouch a century of life that sucks =( but whats with the unexplained no votes ima just consider those as "Hell no I'M a little kid" answers lmao

It should be a mic limit for annoying immature mic spammers with annoying voices, because there are also 16 year old's or 18 year old's that can be immature and annoying =D

16 pl0x


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