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Mic Age limit....

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--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on May 05, 2010, 03:14:03 AM ---Hell no, I'm 13.95 (lol) and I think the youngest is 10? lawl

--- End quote ---
NU i iz teh youngest! 13.85 lol 2 months for teh party :)


--- Quote from: mokey19 on May 18, 2010, 12:16:20 AM ---NU i iz teh youngest! 13.85 lol 2 months for teh party :)

--- End quote ---
Umm pigeon is the youngest:arround 121/2

Just comin in here to troll guis -------> Mic age limit would be impossible to enforce (would require private information) . Don't get yer hopes up.

What Sanders meant to say is, that this thread is useless, cause this thing won't happen, just use the mute button =D



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