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Mic Age limit....

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Alrighty dont wanna sound like a troll but seriously this has been annoying me for long enough and the whole just mute em thing is not going to work because its not their voices that are annoying but thier maturity thats annoying. But seriously ok in all honesty i kinda dont mind a little squeaky voice over the interbutts but seriously i HATE a little squeaky voice over the interbutts thats IMMATURE! like really, now i know i might sound like an ass but common leave that for the chat window! And i dont wanna be a hypocrite either I KNOW THAT I WAS ONCE A LITTLE KID! but i wasn't cracking out stupid JOKES THAT WEREN'T EVEN FUNNY OR RIDICULOUSLY STUPID UNNECESSARY SCREAMING  over the goddamn mic. Now if you wanna do that call each other over steam or steam chat each other alright

just saying if your voice isnt that deep you can still use your mic but common there has got to be a bit of maturity.....


I agree!
I don't seriously mind little kids using their mic. As long as they stay mature and don't insult my mother all the time, thinking their insults are so superawesome.
But well, that's where micspam is good. It shuts little, immature kids up for sure since they can't mute.


--- Quote from: Somerandomguy09 on May 02, 2010, 09:02:44 AM ---Alrighty dont wanna sound like a troll but seriously this has been annoying me for long enough and the whole just mute em thing is not going to work because its not their voices that are annoying but thier maturity thats annoying. But seriously ok in all honesty i kinda dont mind a little squeaky voice over the interbutts but seriously i HATE a little squeaky voice over the interbutts thats IMMATURE! like really, now i know i might sound like an ass but common leave that for the chat window! And i dont wanna be a hypocrite either I KNOW THAT I WAS ONCE A LITTLE KID! but i wasn't cracking out stupid JOKES THAT WEREN'T EVEN FUNNY OR RIDICULOUSLY STUPID UNNECESSARY SCREAMING  over the goddamn mic. Now if you wanna do that call each other over steam or steam chat each other alright

just saying if your voice isnt that deep you can still use your mic but common there has got to be a bit of maturity.....


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i agree
i hate when kids say there 14 but there actually 8 and then start crying over the mic because u destroyed there boat in flood
killed them in TTT

Earlier I was playing L4D2 with a 6 1/2 year old with a mic...

Should be 13+ only.


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