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I Can Haz Respected?
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on April 10, 2010, 06:58:58 PM ---Koolstorytroll.
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» Magic «:
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on April 10, 2010, 08:31:18 PM ---That's lies. This Lady Luck person A) Responded to the name coolz, B) Used NUKE which I believe only owner or supers can use (when I was admin I couldn't nuke) and just seemed to kinda act like Coolz in some ways. I'm almost certain it was Coolz. That or hax.
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Houston we have a problem
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on April 10, 2010, 08:31:18 PM ---That's lies. This Lady Luck person A) Responded to the name coolz, B) Used NUKE which I believe only owner or supers can use (when I was admin I couldn't nuke) and just seemed to kinda act like Coolz in some ways. I'm almost certain it was Coolz. That or hax.
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u were a admin???
--- Quote from: hkill415 on April 16, 2010, 08:28:05 PM ---u were a admin???
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Thats just temporary .
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