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I Can Haz Respected?

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--- Quote from: hkill415 on April 22, 2010, 06:33:14 PM ---i dont think coolz like u anymore :(

--- End quote ---
I dun think he evar started to xD.

Again -.-

I don't go around under different names with an entirely different personality.

I suggest you add Lady Luck to friends and figure out the rest.

It's an admin that would not like people to know who they really are for whatever reason. Not Super btw.


But normal admins can't use nuke lol.
Plus, I would add the person and figure it out but I can't seeing as I A) No longer haz Gmod and B) HAD cracked Steam so can't add people lol. But if it's honestly not you, and it's not a hacker, it's most likely Magik. The person seemed to hold a grudge against me a little or something, much like Magik does.

EDIT: I've got legit Steam now. I want mai respected backz  :'(.


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