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I Can Haz Respected?

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Okay to start off, this isn't a normal respected app, which is why it is not in introductions page. Now, Coolz in TTT I'm sure you remember when you joined the game under the name "Lady Luck" and I hit a prop with a microwave, the cabnit which I hit flew and aparently dmged you (I don't think it did... a grenade went off behind you... but if it did it was an accident) and you kicked me. When I joined back right after, I wasn't respected since when ever an admin kicks or bans someone it strips them of their respected. I was wondering if you'd please give it back :[. Kthnxbai.

Cool story, bro.


--- Quote from: Frank on April 10, 2010, 05:34:00 PM ---Cool story, bro.

--- End quote ---


How did lady luck get admin ?
coolz sed dat he iz not lady luck

That's lies. This Lady Luck person A) Responded to the name coolz, B) Used NUKE which I believe only owner or supers can use (when I was admin I couldn't nuke) and just seemed to kinda act like Coolz in some ways. I'm almost certain it was Coolz. That or hax.


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