Well hello!
I'm Jignod, A newcomer to Garry's Mod. I've had Gmod for a week and really enjoy building cars, buildings, rocket chairs, and so on. Recently I discovered your wireconstruct server. So far I've had a really great time on it!
I'm sure I'll get questioned, so I'll just say now: There really is no origin to my username, it's just some random jibberish I thought up.

(Jignod is my Steam name)
I'm usually on around mid-day Arizona Mountain Time most likely in your wireconstruct server. (I realize this intro is a bit scattered, sorry!)
Anyway, I would really like to become respected so I can save my props for me to drive/launch later and to be protected from minges. (OOhh I hate minges!)

I guess that wraps it up! Thanks for taking the time to read! Buh Bai!