Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Introduce Yourself!/Steam Group Invites/Repromotions => Approved Respected Apps => Topic started by: Jignod on March 13, 2010, 09:20:42 PM
Well hello!
I'm Jignod, A newcomer to Garry's Mod. I've had Gmod for a week and really enjoy building cars, buildings, rocket chairs, and so on. Recently I discovered your wireconstruct server. So far I've had a really great time on it!
I'm sure I'll get questioned, so I'll just say now: There really is no origin to my username, it's just some random jibberish I thought up. ;D
(Jignod is my Steam name)
I'm usually on around mid-day Arizona Mountain Time most likely in your wireconstruct server. (I realize this intro is a bit scattered, sorry!)
Anyway, I would really like to become respected so I can save my props for me to drive/launch later and to be protected from minges. (OOhh I hate minges!) :mad:
I guess that wraps it up! Thanks for taking the time to read! Buh Bai!
I really hope you don't minge when you get your respected powers.
Welcome have fun and watch out for tomcats mouth, he likes to eat some of us..
Accepted bother an admin ingame they should give ya respected