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Suicide? :O
No, of course not. You were brave. I referred to anyone out there, even thinking about abortion.
--- Quote from: Frank on March 25, 2010, 04:30:21 PM ---Awww... I get what you say Mary. And I feel very proud. Another person would've killed it... :(
In school, we saw some videos about abortion. One of them was a "Letter from a baby to his mom".
Damn sad. In one part it says: "Mommy, what's that thing doing in my house? MOM! IT'S PULLING MY ARM! IT HURTS!"
I almost break into cry in that moment. I felt so impotent. It makes me want to keel everybody who is in favour of abortion.
"Say No to Abortion
Abortion is Murder, no matter what way we try to rationalize the action to kill off fetus."
If you abort, I will kill you. Whoever you are. Abortion is murdering the most innocent and defendless living being.
From the moment sperm and ovule get together, it's already life.
YES, it may was a mistake.
YES, you probably wish it hadn't happenned.
YES, someday, that mistake may be the only thing that keeps you alive.
YES, someday you'll say: "It's the best mistake ever happenned to me."
I was a mistake. My other 2 brothers were a mistake.
My mom always did it well. She suffered a lot, but did it for us. I thank her everytime I think about abortion. Some people had adviced her to do so. She never wanted to.
Once it's done, there's no way back. If you don't want to raise it, give it in adoption. Don't kill it. Do you think your life is worth more than the little baby's one?
Abortion is MURDER.
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I might sound cruel but sometimes you have to do abortion, if the woman has some problems and she will die if she gives birth to the baby? not worth it, the baby won't feel pain if the abortion is at early stage, remember he won't even be a baby, no feelings, not a completed brain, no understanding, that's no murder, if a 13-14 year old girl is pregnant? if she will give birth to a baby at such a young age...you can't understand them cause you're a man, the pain of the woman would be much more bigger than the baby's pain that won't even feel a thing.
Right, because a baby can be slowly killed just because it's small, and his life is worth less than her mother's.
I dare you watch "The Silent Scream" at youtube.
--- Quote from: Frank on March 26, 2010, 02:38:24 AM ---Right, because a baby can be slowly killed just because it's small, and his life is worth less than her mother's.
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The baby isn't slowly killed which means he doesn't suffers, even if it was slowly he wouldn't feel a thing, and you saying that even if the mother can die because her mistake or maybe cause she got raped its better to bring the baby to the world? then that's also a murder, you murder a woman that's in her middle of her life, that has feeling, thoughts, people that loves her, people that she loves, the baby, which isn't even a baby, that doesn't have feelings, doesn't have thoughts, doesn't have people who loves him or people that he loves, and you saying his life are worth like his mother's life?
And if she dies from the baby, he/she comes to the world, her family doesn't love him/her cause he "killed" the woman, they don't love him/her cause he's a mistake, they don't love him/her cause he's a baby of someone they hate, the father doesn't give a shit about him/her, or doesn't even know he/she were born, the family puts him/her for adoption or in an orphanage, that shitty life, knowing that you killed your mother, your real family hates you, your real father doesn't gives a shit about you, I think in this case, abortion is good.
When you kill an ant, its not a murder? when you kill a fly, its not a murder? when you kill any type of insect, animal, its not a murder? and I'm pretty sure you killed at least one of those in your life,
But nobody says anything when you kill them, and when you kill a baby, that doesn't have feelings, thoughts, nothing, its worse then killing an insect that feels, that has a purpose.
I shall quote myself for this.
--- Quote from: Frank on March 26, 2010, 02:38:24 AM ---Right, because a baby can be slowly killed just because it's small, and his life is worth less than her mother's.
I dare you watch "The Silent Scream" at youtube.
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