Entertainment > Funny Stuffz
Suicide? :O
Words of wisdom: The more money you have, the more you realize that happiness is a fleeting concept.
TL:DR Money cant make you happy. I just want enough money for a decent house, decent car, and a decent gaming rig. Already got 1 and a half of those.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Sanders on March 25, 2010, 02:54:08 PM ---I'm majoring in computer engineering (M.S.), though I'm going to get my A.S. in general science.
Also, I'm going to college to get a career I like, not to get rich.
--- End quote ---
Oh nice. That's what my bf wanted to do.
I always wanted something to do with computers as well.
Computer Graphics Specialist to be specific.
But sadly, I can't choose the career I like, but had to choose a job that "pays well" because of er...
certain responsibilities (that I mistakenly created but never regretted creating) that I have to provide for
- for the rest of my life and my boyfriends life.
In other words, I have to have a decent high paying job for my family that I provide for.
you have no worries like you said earlier.
Basically you're your own responsibility and you don't need to worry about anyone
or anything that may interfere with your career that you love.
That's lucky :)
Now I major in medical field. XD
--- Quote from: Sanders on March 25, 2010, 03:01:44 PM ---Words of wisdom: The more money you have, the more you realize that happiness is a fleeting concept.
TL:DR Money cant make you happy. I just want enough money for a decent house, decent car, and a decent gaming rig. Already got 1 and a half of those.
--- End quote ---
Didn't say money makes you happy, though it can, kind of, wouldn't you be happy if you had an awesome house with a pool and an amazing car and clothes, etc?
If someone would've given you 1 million dollars wouldn't you take it?
Money can't make you happy sounds more like an excuse, everyone would like to be rich, even if they say that not, think about the children you could save with your money, about the lifestyle you would have with lots of money, the lifestyle of your kids, wife, family.
But whatever, I'm pretty sure that a 14 year old kid won't change your way of thinking lul
Awww... I get what you say Mary. And I feel very proud. Another person would've killed it... :(
In school, we saw some videos about abortion. One of them was a "Letter from a baby to his mom".
Damn sad. In one part it says: "Mommy, what's that thing doing in my house? MOM! IT'S PULLING MY ARM! IT HURTS!"
I almost break into cry in that moment. I felt so impotent. It makes me want to keel everybody who is in favour of abortion.
"Say No to Abortion
Abortion is Murder, no matter what way we try to rationalize the action to kill off fetus."
If you abort, I will kill you. Whoever you are. Abortion is murdering the most innocent and defendless living being.
From the moment sperm and ovule get together, it's already life.
YES, it may was a mistake.
YES, you probably wish it hadn't happenned.
YES, someday, that mistake may be the only thing that keeps you alive.
YES, someday you'll say: "It's the best mistake ever happenned to me."
I was a mistake. My other 2 brothers were a mistake.
My mom always did it well. She suffered a lot, but did it for us. I thank her everytime I think about abortion. Some people had adviced her to do so. She never wanted to.
Once it's done, there's no way back. If you don't want to raise it, give it in adoption. Don't kill it. Do you think your life is worth more than the little baby's one?
Abortion is MURDER.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Frank on March 25, 2010, 04:30:21 PM ---Awww... I get what you say Mary. And I feel very proud. Another person would've killed it... :(
In school, we saw some videos about abortion. One of them was a "Letter from a baby to his mom".
Damn sad. In one part it says: "Mommy, what's that thing doing in my house? MOM! IT'S PULLING MY ARM! IT HURTS!"
I almost break into cry in that moment. I felt so impotent. It makes me want to keel everybody who is in favour of abortion.
"Say No to Abortion
Abortion is Murder, no matter what way we try to rationalize the action to kill off fetus."
If you abort, I will kill you. Whoever you are. Abortion is murdering the most innocent and defendless living being.
From the moment sperm and ovule get together, it's already life.
YES, it may was a mistake.
YES, you probably wish it hadn't happenned.
YES, someday, that mistake may be the only thing that keeps you alive.
YES, someday you'll say: "It's the best mistake ever happenned to me."
I was a mistake. My other 2 brothers were a mistake.
My mom always did it well. She suffered a lot, but did it for us. I thank her everytime I think about abortion. Some people had adviced her to do so. She never wanted to.
Once it's done, there's no way back. If you don't want to raise it, give it in adoption. Don't kill it. Do you think your life is worth more than the little baby's one?
Abortion is MURDER.
--- End quote ---
Jesus christ that got to me -.-
Damn Frank. This should be on some slogan or poster and be posted up on high school campuses
and college campuses. Or be on the anti abortion website or something.
That's some speech you made there.
It's really touchy D:
But I hope you didnt intentionally pertain that to me D:
Is it? LOL
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