Entertainment > Funny Stuffz

Suicide? :O

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--- Quote from: Frank on March 26, 2010, 09:45:00 AM ---I shall quote myself for this.

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Ok, I watched silent scream, it shows kids that suffer because of war, they need to work to earn money, how is that related to the topic we talking about?



--- Quote from: Frank on March 26, 2010, 10:53:37 AM ---http://www.silentscream.org/

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Ok, watched it, the abortion is horrible and cruel, but sometimes its really needed, and when it is I think its even a better choice, if a woman does an abortion without a good reason, then I hate her and she's a murderer and a bitch and ya.....

I just hope that there will be a better and faster way to do an abortion, and not so cruel like it is now....

I just hope there didn't exist the need to abort. Something that can grow babies without the mothers carrying them.


--- Quote from: Frank on March 26, 2010, 01:28:37 PM ---I just hope there didn't exist the need to abort. Something that can grow babies without the mothers carrying them.

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well, its a bad thing and a good thing that a mother needs to take care of her baby by herself, good cause then it bonds between the two, she loves her baby more, he gets a motherly and loving touch, but the bad thing is that there are mothers that can't do that, can't raise a child.
But the truth is that humans created this problem for themselves, we need a change, we need to advance =D
Too many corrupt and ignorant people are blocking the way =\


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