[{*This post is directed mainly towards coolzedad*}]
(Btw, The Poll has absolutely nothing to do with coolzedad's choice, I put it there purely for the Random Community to put there own thoughts on it in)
EDIT:// I now have Proof of this, Please Go here: http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,1614.0.htmlOK, so many agree and know that the Flood Server lacks admins, as other servers like sledbuild do as-well
And many agree
(Sabbath, Magic, Striker, Fox, Tomcat, And other players) that we should fill the void of lacking admins...
Currently only two people have Volunteered for the Flood Server Admin Position:
Me and Frank95.-As many also know
I respect the rules to the fullest and enforce them as such, and
Frank also enforces rules like so on the servers.
What I am saying is, Flood is full of mingy players, just today a player named
Mofleaker attacked the whole flood server and was prop pushing everyone, as-well as spamming text and mic.
As he got kicked by me many players started saying
"Good thing an admin was here", So you can see many players already respect me as an admin figure of authority.
(I was the only respected there, and I told them I was kicking him, so they were talking to me)Frank95.- is also very well known in the random community, already being a moderator for a section of the forum, he has experience with maintaining a certain role
(as do I), and has the skills needed for maintaining peace on a server.
Further Info:
On the flood server admins can use ASS mod to
'smack' players off the boats, if you are limited to a votekick like me, after you kick one of the players who was holding up the round, you must then
wait another 120 seconds before you can do it again, since I am always on the flood server
(maybe on the other servers, not often) I would have better resources to keep the server free of mingers and keep the rounds flowing so players can enjoy the game if I and Frank were promoted to admins.
New: Now I cannot attempt to kick them, as they randomly votekick players... And the 120 second wait... You get the idea... Reason I made post:
Many players and me are sick and tired of the Mingebags and other player to be holding up the entire round just so they can make some
'cash'With me being on Flood all of the time, and Franks Volunteering, we could put a firm stop on all of the rule breaking, money rounding, and other forms of breaking the rules.
Thank you for reading this and have a pleasant day.
DJ Party Krasher

Answering Questions that people are posting below:
Sabbath: Of Course, EVERYONE wants admin. But would you really trust them with this power on
your server?
(What I am saying is, would they go in and do the right job, or minge around the whole time?)Tomcat and Sabbath: Yeah we know it's for
all servers, Did I ever say I wouldn't do admin for the other servers, I just said I am mostly on flood though, unlike most admins.
(What I am saying is, Frank and I would administrate the flood server, but sometimes we go to other servers and would not just start acting stupid becuase we are not on flood)To Clear Up Some Things About this Post:
And I know this looks like a wad of self promotion, but I REALLY didnt mean for it to look that way, CommanderEddy, Mingebagger (he is ok i guess), and SabbathFreak911 are just if not more Eligible to be admins, and to clear up thoughts on "I would admin the flood server", of course its for all servers, but I was saying that I am MAINLY on flood, so I would be able to administrate the flood server, if I go to say ZS server, I would do the exact same job as I would on flood.