
Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Server Requests/Suggestions => Topic started by: Krasher on January 19, 2010, 05:25:32 PM

Title: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 19, 2010, 05:25:32 PM
[{*This post is directed mainly towards coolzedad*}]
(Btw, The Poll has absolutely nothing to do with coolzedad's choice, I put it there purely for the Random Community to put there own thoughts on it in)


EDIT:// I now have Proof of this, Please Go here:
http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,1614.0.html (http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,1614.0.html)

OK, so many agree and know that the Flood Server lacks admins, as other servers like sledbuild do as-well

And many agree (Sabbath, Magic, Striker, Fox, Tomcat, And other players) that we should fill the void of lacking admins...

Currently only two people have Volunteered for the Flood Server Admin Position:
Me and Frank95.-

As many also know I respect the rules to the fullest and enforce them as such, and Frank also enforces rules like so on the servers.

What I am saying is, Flood is full of mingy players, just today a player named Mofleaker attacked the whole flood server and was prop pushing everyone, as-well as spamming text and mic.
As he got kicked by me many players started saying "Good thing an admin was here", So you can see many players already respect me as an admin figure of authority.
(I was the only respected there, and I told them I was kicking him, so they were talking to me)

Frank95.- is also very well known in the random community, already being a moderator for a section of the forum, he has experience with maintaining a certain role (as do I), and has the skills needed for maintaining peace on a server.

Further Info:

On the flood server admins can use ASS mod to 'smack' players off the boats, if you are limited to a votekick like me, after you kick one of the players who was holding up the round, you must then wait another 120 seconds before you can do it again, since I am always on the flood server (maybe on the other servers, not often) I would have better resources to keep the server free of mingers and keep the rounds flowing so players can enjoy the game if I and Frank were promoted to admins.

New: Now I cannot attempt to kick them, as they randomly votekick players... And the 120 second wait... You get the idea...

Reason I made post:
Many players and me are sick and tired of the Mingebags and other player to be holding up the entire round just so they can make some 'cash'
With me being on Flood all of the time, and Franks Volunteering, we could put a firm stop on all of the rule breaking, money rounding, and other forms of breaking the rules.

Thank you for reading this and have a pleasant day.

DJ Party Krasher

Answering Questions that people are posting below:
Sabbath: Of Course, EVERYONE wants admin. But would you really trust them with this power on your server?
(What I am saying is, would they go in and do the right job, or minge around the whole time?)

Tomcat and Sabbath: Yeah we know it's for all servers, Did I ever say I wouldn't do admin for the other servers, I just said I am mostly on flood though, unlike most admins.
(What I am saying is, Frank and I would administrate the flood server, but sometimes we go to other servers and would not just start acting stupid becuase we are not on flood)

To Clear Up Some Things About this Post:
And I know this looks like a wad of self promotion, but I REALLY didnt mean for it to look that way, CommanderEddy, Mingebagger (he is ok i guess), and SabbathFreak911 are just if not more Eligible to be admins, and to clear up thoughts on "I would admin the flood server", of course its for all servers, but I was saying that I am MAINLY on flood, so I would be able to administrate the flood server, if I go to say ZS server, I would do the exact same job as I would on flood.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Tomcat on January 19, 2010, 05:31:10 PM
wut abotu meh lul well
i have banned 2 russian assholes cuz they were proppushing.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 19, 2010, 05:31:52 PM
wut abotu meh lul well
i have banned 2 russian assholes cuz they were proppushing.
Dont worry tomcat you iz tah WIN
Good work, those Russians REALLY love minging
Do you agree with post tooz?
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on January 19, 2010, 06:04:45 PM
Actually Party there are MANY people who want to be admin. Look at admin applications mega board. MANY PPL. If you're admin on one RND server you're admin on all RND servers. But yes, I think we nee dmoar admonz.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Tomcat on January 19, 2010, 06:14:24 PM
yeah its a shared mysql database for the servers so yeah i think you would just have to wait for teh reply
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 19, 2010, 06:23:56 PM
Actually Party there are MANY people who want to be admin. Look at admin applications mega board. MANY PPL. If you're admin on one RND server you're admin on all RND servers. But yes, I think we nee dmoar admonz.
I know this, but we need more admins cuz there are never admins on flood (im there 22/7)
And of course, EVERYONE wants it, but do they have any of the qualities in this post
Even you must agree there
lul ;D
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 19, 2010, 07:51:04 PM
Oh lolo lololol i'm thar thousand times coz I's teh frank.

;d I'd love to have admin, but if coolz say no, it's no U_U

Maybe we could uhh... Have a one week trial :D
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 20, 2010, 03:49:40 AM
Oh lolo lololol i'm thar thousand times coz I's teh frank.

;d I'd love to have admin, but if coolz say no, it's no U_U

Maybe we could uhh... Have a one week trial :D
haha, its all up to coolz now... he decides the fate of the servers (admins), 0_____0
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on January 20, 2010, 05:00:20 AM

Looks like you are trying very hard to be admin. Well good luck with that.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 20, 2010, 07:25:02 AM
Looks like you are trying very hard to be admin. Well good luck with that.

Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on January 20, 2010, 07:53:35 AM


Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: CRAZY! on January 20, 2010, 08:08:17 AM


Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 20, 2010, 08:21:26 AM
I think that us(Eddy, Mingebagger, Sabb, me, idk other older members) should get a chance to be admin. Just saying.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 20, 2010, 08:29:18 AM
i still dont think newbies should be chosen, for the sake of the servers protection =l

EDIT: oh shit meant to vote new admins xD
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 20, 2010, 10:09:58 AM
Hmmm... I agree with magic. I'm sory DJ, not to be mean but, I suggest you wait a little more.(few months)

Just to get to know the community very well, and see that you're trusty and stuph.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 20, 2010, 10:12:05 AM

a girl named emmanuella at ma school has that nick lol
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 20, 2010, 10:14:43 AM
I meant mean. Not eman. Fucking typos
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 20, 2010, 10:24:09 AM
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 20, 2010, 12:08:33 PM
lawl if only sabbath would post that video of his, you shall see my worthiness -____-

He said he was afk and he recorded the server :/... it has me being all of the qualities in this post... if thats not proof im different than all those other noobs then idk what is... -____-

And please read bottom of post before asking questions :/
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on January 20, 2010, 12:53:05 PM
lawl if only sabbath would post that video of his, you shall see my worthiness -____-

He said he was afk and he recorded the server :/... it has me being all of the qualities in this post... if thats not proof im different than all those other noobs then idk what is... -____-

And please read bottom of post before asking questions :/

I would post the vid but idk how to change it to a normal format or w/e since it's a demo. Also, Flood doesn't really need admins it's just kinda hopeless :(.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 20, 2010, 01:26:27 PM
I would post the vid but idk how to change it to a normal format or w/e since it's a demo. Also, Flood doesn't really need admins it's just kinda hopeless :(.

wow, dont need adminz/ whenz last time you saw any other admin there

me = just now cuz i was talkin to magic and asked him to join

sabbath = idk
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on January 20, 2010, 01:40:56 PM
wow, dont need adminz/ whenz last time you saw any other admin there

me = just now cuz i was talkin to magic and asked him to join

sabbath = idk

No... my point is Flood is fail and it's too easy to minge on, even as an admin it's not easy to stop...
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 20, 2010, 01:52:33 PM
yes it is xD
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 20, 2010, 02:01:03 PM

No... my point is Flood is fail and it's too easy to minge on, even as an admin it's not easy to stop...

lol then someones not that good at it xd

im still <//3 btW ;(
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on January 20, 2010, 02:31:23 PM
lol then someones not that good at it xd

im still <//3 btW ;(

Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 20, 2010, 02:49:18 PM


(first use)
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Boat Sinker on January 20, 2010, 08:08:19 PM
BOAT SINKER WANTS ADMIN! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:HAM MAR SMASHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: carphunter963 on January 20, 2010, 09:30:13 PM

No... my point is Flood is fail and it's too easy to minge on, even as an admin it's not easy to stop...

i can agree with that.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 21, 2010, 12:05:09 AM
Stop begging for admin just be paitient
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 21, 2010, 03:19:46 PM
Stop begging for admin just be paitient
Im not begging


thats begging
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 21, 2010, 03:52:21 PM

FRANK WANTS ADMIN! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:HAM MAR SMASHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 21, 2010, 05:19:43 PM
KRASHER DOESN'T REALLY CARE!  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: HAM MAR SMASHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Tiger Guy on January 21, 2010, 05:32:52 PM
I would like to be admin too, but I have to prove it first.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 22, 2010, 04:18:15 AM
I would like to be admin too, but I have to prove it first.
Do I smell a duel to the death Coming on?

Oh yes, I think I do. >=)
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Tiger Guy on January 22, 2010, 04:24:38 AM
Do I smell a duel to the death Coming on?

Oh yes, I think I do. >=)
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 22, 2010, 04:26:13 AM
Btw I dont watch star wars, I have only seen numbers 1 and 3 =P
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Frank on January 22, 2010, 07:15:18 AM
I've seen'em all. If getting asleep in 4 of them count as watching :P
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 22, 2010, 08:06:45 AM
i watched them all lol, i watched most of em at the cinemas xD
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 22, 2010, 01:24:46 PM
I watch

Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 22, 2010, 03:28:50 PM
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on January 22, 2010, 04:00:30 PM
http://img686.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img686/5097/82043504.jpg (http://img686.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img686/5097/82043504.jpg)
I was just joking, and you also failed at that pic upload :3
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: » Magic « on January 23, 2010, 03:00:30 AM
i was on my ipod
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Boat Sinker on January 25, 2010, 03:27:01 AM
Im not begging


thats begging

nope  :) im warning them vefore i take out my hammar  8)
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: PhrozenFox on January 25, 2010, 02:15:51 PM
A pox on everything that I severly dislike.

Now that that's out of the way, I agree.

Especially when there's a mass of people money rounding, I have to arbitrarily decide who I kick, then wait TWO ENTIRE MINUTES before I can kick another.

WHAT'S WORSE: When I actually let them money round (given NOBODY IS DEAD) they ALWAYS fuck it up by shooting eachother.

Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: ParadoX on February 13, 2010, 09:06:36 AM
the current shape of flood is bad...that we can agree on...i was playing there once, and someone went on MY boat....and told ME to get off..when i didn't comply, i was vote-baned (i was not respected at the time...) instantly...i don't go there anymore...its not worth it
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Krasher on February 13, 2010, 11:10:42 AM
the current shape of flood is bad...that we can agree on...i was playing there once, and someone went on MY boat....and told ME to get off..when i didn't comply, i was vote-baned (i was not respected at the time...) instantly...i don't go there anymore...its not worth it
that is the reason this post was made...
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: emilhem on February 13, 2010, 12:54:36 PM
I agree that we need more admins.

I'm almost the only person that is 100% on the wirebuild server and when an admin is needed there's usually no one there.
Tomcat is usually the only admin on that server.
Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: Special Agent Chuck Bartowski on February 14, 2010, 04:25:56 PM
I agree that we need more admins. [2]

tomcat is tha only one there, server was rick rolld, for 10 minutes..

Title: Re: New Adminz :l
Post by: PhrozenFox on February 19, 2010, 05:02:25 PM
I would apply for Flood specific administrator, but I know I have not logged enough time on the servers/forum.

But yes, there's too many minges, and I can only votekick every 2 minutes, AND A LOT OF PEOPLE NEED TO BE KICKED AT A LOT OF TIMES.