*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Squirrel wasnt either but that didnt stop you Bubbles
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: he dont have too
{ZsP} Necruly: here i go
[Sled Build]Squirrel: yo anny admins?
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: im owner
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: he does
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: holding up roun
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: he wasnt on this boat in the start
{ZsP} Necruly: S can i jump last ?

[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Why?
J-MAN's props have been removed.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles you dont listen...
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: sec last yea
boneyardinc's props have been removed.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: omg
yabret: 3 last
[Sled Build]Squirrel: A minge nammed bubles banned me for Playing music
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: JMP OR KICK
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: sabbath u pick who jumps first
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: yup
{ZsP} Necruly: MR bubbles jump
*DEAD* elhiper_10: hello
{ZsP} Necruly: 5
{ZsP} Necruly: 3
{ZsP} Necruly: 2
[Zombie Survival]Thunder: u were spamming
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles jump or kick
{ZsP} Necruly: 1
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: votekickduey
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: kk
duey520: bubbles cool
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: xDD
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: I think bubs had a reason... So I dont think its worth me pestering an admin
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow
*DEAD* elhiper_10: dr doctor
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles started on it didnt he
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shutup
{ZsP} Necruly: Yes
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: oh wait..
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
Profile saved!
duey520: xD
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: fuck u dicks
{ZsP} Necruly: Votekick Muffinman
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shutup fuck!
{ZsP} Necruly: ..
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow
*DEAD* elhiper_10: voteban
[Sled Build]Squirrel: wow pleasse get admin thats abuse what he did ur not aloud to do that?
[SolidVote] Dr. Doctor initiated vote 'Ban player .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Dr. Doctor voted yes.
duey520: i m bored
[SolidVote] {ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106 voted yes.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: bubbles when i can im kick you
[SolidVote] yabret voted yes.
[SolidVote] duey520 voted no.
[SolidVote] {ZsP} Necruly voted yes.
[SolidVote] 1000jews voted yes.
[SolidVote] elhiper_10 voted yes.
[SolidVote] lonestar55 voted yes.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: nvm lol
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted yes.
[SolidVote] goob voted no.
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: no warning?
[SolidVote] Coke voted yes.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman voted no.
[Zombie Survival]Thunder: u were spamming read the rules
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Doc that was a little cheap but very fair
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman's props have been removed.
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: I mean, if it was something actually legit (bubs bannin), then I dont think I should tell an admin to come
T?avis.'s props have been cleaned up
{ZsP} Necruly: yup
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles deserves that
{ZsP} Necruly: yar
*DEAD* Coke: ya
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Doc you know your mic doesnt work right lol
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: ok time for u guys to jump
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: oh wait
*DEAD* Dr. Doctor: you cant hera me?
J-MAN's props have been cleaned up
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: I mean, I am chatting to minic right now
*DEAD* elhiper_10: destroy the fucking boats!
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow Duey
boneyardinc's props have been cleaned up
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: no Doc
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: now i can
*DEAD* elhiper_10: alguien habla español?
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: yea i know
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: Sabbath kicked me o_O
*DEAD* elhiper_10: you speak spanish?
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: and he votebanned Squirrel for music spam...
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Is it worth me getting him on?
[Plain Build].:RND`=- Chik0r0: hi
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: dude Trav you would jump im sry

Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Sled Build]Squirrel: come on get admin he always abuses me
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: its not your decision to pick who goes first
Profile saved!
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: who is
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: PLEASE works
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: yabret did u do that
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: its the boat owners
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: did u
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: Wow yabret noob.
Player J-MAN has joined the game
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: Tas youre holding up round so i cank ick you there shouldnt have to be an order
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: thats breaking a rule u dumbfuck
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Sled Build]Squirrel: come on Xastic get a fuckign admin!!
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: now Tas, why isnt the server up yet
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: Sf
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman's props have been cleaned up
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: Kill duey
yabret: doin wat is breakin a rule?
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: And then ill force him to ump
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: shooting the boat u started on
[Sled Build]Squirrel: Travis you still hate meh?
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Idk, need to talk to him. HOLD ON SQUIRRL DONT FORCE ME
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shit
[Plain Build].:RND`=- Chik0r0: any admin on? we need to clean up this shit
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shutup fuck up
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shit!!!
*DEAD* duey520: xD
*DEAD* duey520: ahaha
*DEAD* yabret: i didnt start on it my boat got destroyed
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
*DEAD* elhiper_10:

*DEAD* duey520: thought it was money round
*DEAD* elhiper_10: me duele el ojo carajo
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: cayense
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Chik come here
goob: is my mic working
[Sled Build]Squirrel: why?
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: sab
sabbathfreak911: okay my fucking global messages arent sending
Player x2EyedCyclops has joined the game
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: what Trav
Profile saved!
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
goob: is my mic working
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: sabbathfreak wishes you a merry christmas, and he presents you his rear end
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: *waits*
yabret's props have been removed.
sabbathfreak911: lol Doc
goob: wtf
Coke: HAHA
goob: im using a different computer
goob: it dont lag
sabbathfreak911: lol Doc
[Sled Build]Squirrel: LMAo docter
[Flood]Coke: hello
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: i didnt say shit man
[Sled Build]Squirrel: ok
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Minic sent you a steam msg steam
goob: is my mic working now?
sabbathfreak911: idk lol
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: Also, Squirrel castration, 99 cents
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: whut
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: sabbath are u making one for me?
sabbathfreak911: LOL
sabbathfreak911: oh yea
Profile saved!
sabbathfreak911: yea i know Doc
yabret's props have been cleaned up
sabbathfreak911: im making Smartsers one
sabbathfreak911: lol fail
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[Sled Build]Squirrel: lol
sabbathfreak911: Doc did you actually create that
sabbathfreak911: yea
sabbathfreak911: lol XD
sabbathfreak911: Coke truce
elhiper_10: material men
Coke: err ok
Dr. Doctor's props have been removed.
Player Dr. Doctor has joined the game
Profile saved!
Coke: ok'
sabbathfreak911: the spray wen tpurple lol
Coke: ill jump instead of u kiling me
sabbathfreak911: yea i know
sabbathfreak911: XD
Coke: lone get of
sabbathfreak911: lol
Player ?? | Justin 612 .:RND'=- has joined the game
Coke: sabbath can u kick people if they are on ur boat?
sabbathfreak911: i think thats why its called an underground spray lol
sabbathfreak911: no
Coke: with a warning?
sabbathfreak911: we should
goob: a we should
sabbathfreak911: theyre attempting to make a teaming system
sabbathfreak911: no Doc
sabbathfreak911: lol
Coke: get of
sabbathfreak911: youre generally an asshole - usually
Coke: eyed
sabbathfreak911: na thats not me lol
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: dont
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: dont
Coke: GET OF
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: DOOOM
sabbathfreak911: eyed stop
Profile saved!
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: stop
Coke: thanks guys...
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
x2EyedCyclops's props have been removed.
elhiper_10: shit
elhiper_10: no fire
elhiper_10: no fireeee
elhiper_10: noooo
elhiper_10: cryXDDD
elhiper_10: no fireeee
elhiper_10: all its friends
elhiper_10: xDD!
Coke: don't shoot me
Coke: fuck of
sabbathfreak911: then jmup lol
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: fuck of?
*DEAD* goob: there goes my 500$
sabbathfreak911: fuck you
*DEAD* elhiper_10: tfucckkk
sabbathfreak911: fuck you Doc
Profile saved!
sabbathfreak911: this is why no one likes you
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: no i dint
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: dont
*DEAD* goob: i hav barely any now
(TEAM) sabbathfreak911: duey you fucking minge
duey520: it was doc
duey520: sosstfu
sabbathfreak911: doc jump
*DEAD* Coke: why did u own my boat:(
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: doc stop-__
sabbathfreak911: wow fuck you
?? | Justin 612 .:RND'=-'s props have been removed.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: hshahahhahahhahaha
*DEAD* elhiper_10: lol
*DEAD* elhiper_10: hahahaha
*DEAD* Coke: thats rly gay
x2EyedCyclops's props have been cleaned up
sabbathfreak911: Doc starte don it right
*DEAD* elhiper_10: fuck you
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: votekic Doc
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 initiated vote 'Kick player Dr. Doctor?'
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted yes.
[SolidVote] J-MAN voted yes.
[SolidVote] Coke voted yes.
[SolidVote] {ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106 voted yes.
[SolidVote] elhiper_10 voted yes.
*DEAD* goob: no graffiti
[SolidVote] Dr. Doctor voted no.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: you said yous tarte don mine when i asked...
[SolidVote] goob voted yes.
[SolidVote] 1000jews voted yes.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: ...
duey520: k
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: you said you started on mine
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wtf?
Dr. Doctor's props have been removed.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: jajjajaja
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow
*DEAD* goob: wtf
*DEAD* Coke: why do people rage when they get vote kicked?
*DEAD* Coke: just rejoin
*DEAD* goob: ya
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: i know its only 5 minutes
*DEAD* elhiper_10: era canzon
Profile saved!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: xDD
*DEAD* goob: 60
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: its not like he just lost all the money from his boat...
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: adadhalkdnad
*DEAD* elhiper_10: ajajajjajaja
duey520: lol
*DEAD* elhiper_10: yeeeeeaah!
*DEAD* Coke: fuck u duey
*DEAD* elhiper_10: alguien que hable español?
duey520: ?
duey520: gtfo coke
*DEAD* goob: I LOSE! YAY!!!!!!!!
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
?? | Justin 612 .:RND'=-'s props have been cleaned up
1000jews: lol parts of my boat
Coke: no
elhiper_10: what?
elhiper_10: in spanish
goob: what is global chat\
Dr. Doctor's props have been cleaned up
goob: jman what is global chat
Profile saved!
Coke: lol cool if they made it u sit in a chair on ur boat and u can't get of the chair lool and i sink with ur boat
goob: when people talk in blue letters
Coke: /me
Coke: nvm
Coke: lol
elhiper_10: what is did
elhiper_10: what the fuck is did
Player ? ? ? ? L has joined the game
Profile saved!
Player fireface11 has joined the game
elhiper_10: please

elhiper_10: jjejeje
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: get that away from my boat
goob: he said no
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: 1000 get that away
Coke: can i>
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: delete it
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: now
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: no
elhiper_10: pliz!
elhiper_10: friends

Coke: lol
Coke: ima fuck that boat up
Coke: get of
elhiper_10: ´please men
Coke: no

Coke: jman move this follow me lol
Coke: ill blow it up
Coke: move it follow me
Player baconboy56468 has joined the game
Profile saved!
goob: i suk
Coke: jman no!
Coke: i can ruin his boat
Player ? ? ? ? L has joined the game
elhiper_10: PLEASE
goob: sure
elhiper_10: PLEASEEE
elhiper_10: MATERIAL
elhiper_10: FKCC
elhiper_10: NOOOOO
1000jews: come to mine elhiper
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106's props have been removed.
goob: lol
sabbathfreak911: wtf its glitching
[Sled Build]Squirrel: wow sab
sabbathfreak911: omg wtf iom lagging
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: he sabbath, great reason to kick me an all
sabbathfreak911: oh nvm its cause im uploading to megupload
elhiper_10: SHIT
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: not wanting me on yuor boat is a greta reason isnt it
baconboy56468: can i build the next boat?
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: Doc you said you started on it and really its five minutes even if you didnt big deal
[Sled Build]Squirrel: just report him i reported bubles for abuseing
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
elhiper_10: TANKZ MEN
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: good way to change the facts Doc you drama whore
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: I never said that. proove it.
Profile saved!
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: squirrl do you have proof?
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: i cant because i thought you said it... i could be wrong, big deal?
fireface11's props have been removed.
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: SQ do you have proof? Like visual proof
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: its FIVE minutes and everyone voted yes so...
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: god these servers are a 8yearold fuckign drama fest