Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: Dr. Doctor on December 02, 2009, 04:39:18 PM
Its is official: no one knows what the rules are. I just got kicked out by sabathfreak because "I dont want you on my boat". He had convinced the whole server he is allowe dot do that. Probably butt hurt form my earlier kick of him most likely.
I propose a small MOTD (message of the day) containing the rules that can only be minimized after 10 seconds, forcing them to read it.
Stop twisting the truth you drama queen. I thought you said you started on my boat when you aparently didn't. You were on it and shooting it... no one else was left so you were also holding up round. You didn't even kick me earlier lmao. Also, I said NOTHING to the server about kicking people when they don't want them on their boat Coke ASKED me about that and I said it is NOT allowed. Stop twisting the truth... Even if you didn't start on the boat big fucking deal it was FIVE minuets I think you can find something else to do for those five minutes other then reporting and bitching about me.
{ZsP} Necruly: kk
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Squirrel wasnt either but that didnt stop you Bubbles
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: he dont have too
{ZsP} Necruly: here i go
[Sled Build]Squirrel: yo anny admins?
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: im owner
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: he does
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: holding up roun
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: he wasnt on this boat in the start
{ZsP} Necruly: S can i jump last ? :D
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Why?
J-MAN's props have been removed.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles you dont listen...
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: sec last yea
boneyardinc's props have been removed.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: omg
yabret: 3 last
[Sled Build]Squirrel: A minge nammed bubles banned me for Playing music
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: JMP OR KICK
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: sabbath u pick who jumps first
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: yup
{ZsP} Necruly: MR bubbles jump
*DEAD* elhiper_10: hello
{ZsP} Necruly: 5
{ZsP} Necruly: 3
{ZsP} Necruly: 2
[Zombie Survival]Thunder: u were spamming
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles jump or kick
{ZsP} Necruly: 1
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: votekickduey
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: kk
duey520: bubbles cool
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: xDD
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: I think bubs had a reason... So I dont think its worth me pestering an admin
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow
*DEAD* elhiper_10: dr doctor
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles started on it didnt he
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shutup
{ZsP} Necruly: Yes
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: oh wait..
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
Profile saved!
duey520: xD
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: fuck u dicks
{ZsP} Necruly: Votekick Muffinman
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shutup fuck!
{ZsP} Necruly: ..
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow
*DEAD* elhiper_10: voteban
[Sled Build]Squirrel: wow pleasse get admin thats abuse what he did ur not aloud to do that?
[SolidVote] Dr. Doctor initiated vote 'Ban player .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Dr. Doctor voted yes.
duey520: i m bored
[SolidVote] {ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106 voted yes.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: bubbles when i can im kick you
[SolidVote] yabret voted yes.
[SolidVote] duey520 voted no.
[SolidVote] {ZsP} Necruly voted yes.
[SolidVote] 1000jews voted yes.
[SolidVote] elhiper_10 voted yes.
[SolidVote] lonestar55 voted yes.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: nvm lol
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted yes.
[SolidVote] goob voted no.
*DEAD* .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman: no warning?
[SolidVote] Coke voted yes.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman voted no.
[Zombie Survival]Thunder: u were spamming read the rules
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Doc that was a little cheap but very fair
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman's props have been removed.
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: I mean, if it was something actually legit (bubs bannin), then I dont think I should tell an admin to come
T?avis.'s props have been cleaned up
{ZsP} Necruly: yup
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Bubbles deserves that
{ZsP} Necruly: yar
*DEAD* Coke: ya
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: Doc you know your mic doesnt work right lol
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: ok time for u guys to jump
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: oh wait
*DEAD* Dr. Doctor: you cant hera me?
J-MAN's props have been cleaned up
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: I mean, I am chatting to minic right now
*DEAD* elhiper_10: destroy the fucking boats!
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow Duey
boneyardinc's props have been cleaned up
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: no Doc
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: now i can
*DEAD* elhiper_10: alguien habla español?
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: yea i know
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: Sabbath kicked me o_O
*DEAD* elhiper_10: you speak spanish?
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: and he votebanned Squirrel for music spam...
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Is it worth me getting him on?
[Plain Build].:RND`=- Chik0r0: hi
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: dude Trav you would jump im sry :(
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Sled Build]Squirrel: come on get admin he always abuses me
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: its not your decision to pick who goes first
Profile saved!
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: who is
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: PLEASE works
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: yabret did u do that
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: its the boat owners
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: did u
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: Wow yabret noob.
Player J-MAN has joined the game
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: Tas youre holding up round so i cank ick you there shouldnt have to be an order
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: thats breaking a rule u dumbfuck
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Sled Build]Squirrel: come on Xastic get a fuckign admin!!
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: now Tas, why isnt the server up yet
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: Sf
.:RND`=- Mr.Bubbles | Muffinman's props have been cleaned up
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: Kill duey
yabret: doin wat is breakin a rule?
*DEAD* {ZsP} Necruly: And then ill force him to ump
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: shooting the boat u started on
[Sled Build]Squirrel: Travis you still hate meh?
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Idk, need to talk to him. HOLD ON SQUIRRL DONT FORCE ME
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shit
[Plain Build].:RND`=- Chik0r0: any admin on? we need to clean up this shit
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shutup fuck up
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: shit!!!
*DEAD* duey520: xD
*DEAD* duey520: ahaha
*DEAD* yabret: i didnt start on it my boat got destroyed
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: :(
*DEAD* duey520: thought it was money round
*DEAD* elhiper_10: me duele el ojo carajo
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: cayense
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Chik come here
goob: is my mic working
[Sled Build]Squirrel: why?
[Winter Survival]T?avis.: sab
sabbathfreak911: okay my fucking global messages arent sending
Player x2EyedCyclops has joined the game
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: what Trav
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Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
goob: is my mic working
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: sabbathfreak wishes you a merry christmas, and he presents you his rear end
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: *waits*
yabret's props have been removed.
sabbathfreak911: lol Doc
goob: wtf
Coke: HAHA
goob: im using a different computer
goob: it dont lag
sabbathfreak911: lol Doc
[Sled Build]Squirrel: LMAo docter
[Flood]Coke: hello
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: i didnt say shit man
[Sled Build]Squirrel: ok
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: Minic sent you a steam msg steam
goob: is my mic working now?
sabbathfreak911: idk lol
[Flood]Dr. Doctor: Also, Squirrel castration, 99 cents
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: whut
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: sabbath are u making one for me?
sabbathfreak911: LOL
sabbathfreak911: oh yea
Profile saved!
sabbathfreak911: yea i know Doc
yabret's props have been cleaned up
sabbathfreak911: im making Smartsers one
sabbathfreak911: lol fail
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[Sled Build]Squirrel: lol
sabbathfreak911: Doc did you actually create that
sabbathfreak911: yea
sabbathfreak911: lol XD
sabbathfreak911: Coke truce
elhiper_10: material men
Coke: err ok
Dr. Doctor's props have been removed.
Player Dr. Doctor has joined the game
Profile saved!
Coke: ok'
sabbathfreak911: the spray wen tpurple lol
Coke: ill jump instead of u kiling me
sabbathfreak911: yea i know
sabbathfreak911: XD
Coke: lone get of
sabbathfreak911: lol
Player ?? | Justin 612 .:RND'=- has joined the game
Coke: sabbath can u kick people if they are on ur boat?
sabbathfreak911: i think thats why its called an underground spray lol
sabbathfreak911: no
Coke: with a warning?
sabbathfreak911: we should
goob: a we should
sabbathfreak911: theyre attempting to make a teaming system
sabbathfreak911: no Doc
sabbathfreak911: lol
Coke: get of
sabbathfreak911: youre generally an asshole - usually
Coke: eyed
sabbathfreak911: na thats not me lol
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: dont
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: dont
Coke: GET OF
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: DOOOM
sabbathfreak911: eyed stop
Profile saved!
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: stop
Coke: thanks guys...
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
x2EyedCyclops's props have been removed.
elhiper_10: shit
elhiper_10: no fire
elhiper_10: no fireeee
elhiper_10: noooo
elhiper_10: cryXDDD
elhiper_10: no fireeee
elhiper_10: all its friends
elhiper_10: xDD!
Coke: don't shoot me
Coke: fuck of
sabbathfreak911: then jmup lol
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: fuck of?
*DEAD* goob: there goes my 500$
sabbathfreak911: fuck you
*DEAD* elhiper_10: tfucckkk
sabbathfreak911: fuck you Doc
Profile saved!
sabbathfreak911: this is why no one likes you
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: no i dint
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: dont
*DEAD* goob: i hav barely any now
(TEAM) sabbathfreak911: duey you fucking minge
duey520: it was doc
duey520: sosstfu
sabbathfreak911: doc jump
*DEAD* Coke: why did u own my boat:(
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: doc stop-__
sabbathfreak911: wow fuck you
?? | Justin 612 .:RND'=-'s props have been removed.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: hshahahhahahhahaha
*DEAD* elhiper_10: lol
*DEAD* elhiper_10: hahahaha
*DEAD* Coke: thats rly gay
x2EyedCyclops's props have been cleaned up
sabbathfreak911: Doc starte don it right
*DEAD* elhiper_10: fuck you
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: votekic Doc
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 initiated vote 'Kick player Dr. Doctor?'
[SolidVote] sabbathfreak911 voted yes.
[SolidVote] J-MAN voted yes.
[SolidVote] Coke voted yes.
[SolidVote] {ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106 voted yes.
[SolidVote] elhiper_10 voted yes.
*DEAD* goob: no graffiti
[SolidVote] Dr. Doctor voted no.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: you said yous tarte don mine when i asked...
[SolidVote] goob voted yes.
[SolidVote] 1000jews voted yes.
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: ...
duey520: k
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: you said you started on mine
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wtf?
Dr. Doctor's props have been removed.
*DEAD* elhiper_10: jajjajaja
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: wow
*DEAD* goob: wtf
*DEAD* Coke: why do people rage when they get vote kicked?
*DEAD* Coke: just rejoin
*DEAD* goob: ya
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: i know its only 5 minutes
*DEAD* elhiper_10: era canzon
Profile saved!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: xDD
*DEAD* goob: 60
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: its not like he just lost all the money from his boat...
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* elhiper_10: adadhalkdnad
*DEAD* elhiper_10: ajajajjajaja
duey520: lol
*DEAD* elhiper_10: yeeeeeaah!
*DEAD* Coke: fuck u duey
*DEAD* elhiper_10: alguien que hable español?
duey520: ?
duey520: gtfo coke
*DEAD* goob: I LOSE! YAY!!!!!!!!
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
?? | Justin 612 .:RND'=-'s props have been cleaned up
1000jews: lol parts of my boat
Coke: no
elhiper_10: what?
elhiper_10: in spanish
goob: what is global chat\
Dr. Doctor's props have been cleaned up
goob: jman what is global chat
Profile saved!
Coke: lol cool if they made it u sit in a chair on ur boat and u can't get of the chair lool and i sink with ur boat
goob: when people talk in blue letters
Coke: /me
Coke: nvm
Coke: lol
elhiper_10: what is did
elhiper_10: what the fuck is did
Player ? ? ? ? L has joined the game
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Player fireface11 has joined the game
elhiper_10: please
elhiper_10: :D
elhiper_10: jjejeje
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: get that away from my boat
goob: he said no
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: 1000 get that away
Coke: can i>
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: delete it
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: now
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106: no
elhiper_10: pliz!
elhiper_10: friends
elhiper_10: :D
Coke: lol
Coke: ima fuck that boat up
Coke: get of
elhiper_10: ´please men
Coke: no
elhiper_10: :(
Coke: jman move this follow me lol
Coke: ill blow it up
Coke: move it follow me
Player baconboy56468 has joined the game
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goob: i suk
Coke: jman no!
Coke: i can ruin his boat
Player ? ? ? ? L has joined the game
elhiper_10: PLEASE
goob: sure
elhiper_10: PLEASEEE
elhiper_10: MATERIAL
elhiper_10: FKCC
elhiper_10: NOOOOO
1000jews: come to mine elhiper
{ZsP} .sf| SMasters9106's props have been removed.
goob: lol
sabbathfreak911: wtf its glitching
[Sled Build]Squirrel: wow sab
sabbathfreak911: omg wtf iom lagging
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: he sabbath, great reason to kick me an all
sabbathfreak911: oh nvm its cause im uploading to megupload
elhiper_10: SHIT
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: not wanting me on yuor boat is a greta reason isnt it
baconboy56468: can i build the next boat?
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: Doc you said you started on it and really its five minutes even if you didnt big deal
[Sled Build]Squirrel: just report him i reported bubles for abuseing
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
elhiper_10: TANKZ MEN
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: good way to change the facts Doc you drama whore
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: I never said that. proove it.
Profile saved!
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: squirrl do you have proof?
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: i cant because i thought you said it... i could be wrong, big deal?
fireface11's props have been removed.
Message sent. Allow up to 5 seconds for your message to appear.
[Wire Build].:RND:. XTastic: SQ do you have proof? Like visual proof
[Flood]sabbathfreak911: its FIVE minutes and everyone voted yes so...
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: god these servers are a 8yearold fuckign drama fest
lol votekick is amazing.
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: god these servers are a 8yearold fuckign drama fest
i lol'd.. what are ya doin here then?
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: god these servers are a 8yearold fuckign drama fest
i lol'd.. what are ya doin here then?
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Doctor: god these servers are a 8yearold fuckign drama fest
i lol'd.. what are ya doin here then?
and you aint?