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Messages - devvybabe ♥

Pages: 1 ... 47 [48] 49 ... 63
Games / Re: How much life have you wasted?
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:54:17 AM »
Macbeth - Shakespeare

Reading it in English now xD

Yep. One of his known tragedies. XD

Games / Re: How much life have you wasted?
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:23:48 AM »
lol poem in sig? lemme fix tat

Look like thy badass flower
But be thy pingas under't
- Krasher

lol its not a poem

Games / Re: How much life have you wasted?
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:59:11 PM »

I was wondering, do you know who the spice girls are?

Games / Re: How much life have you wasted?
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:55:05 PM »
Go to your stats

lol yeah soz I was referring to total hours spent online.
Or by online does it mean online on teh forums?

Games / Re: How much life have you wasted?
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:50:41 PM »
5 years is all I can say!
Just joking, I honestly don't know because I don't keep up =(

Forum/Website Suggestions / Re: Add Arts Section?
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:41:49 PM »
I drew link so perfectly one time.
I felt so cool :D

Hmm, good point.

I could consider that as spamming!

Nah lol, it's all good.

This is the wrong place to ask
and I would probably get punished for it but
canz I haz invite to rnd group in steam?
:3 Or do I haz to post on introduce yourself place ?

General Chat / Nationalism Ftw
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:34:57 PM »
^Red Blue and Black are so tight.^
Don't sweet it I'v done it too. It's alot eayser when all it takes is a slip of your mouse.

For some reason it always reminded me of superman.

General Chat / Re: I banned the wrong person for 60 minuets.
« on: March 19, 2010, 08:36:13 PM »
Is it, cause I got a different name. So did my other friend. Then I was told that I did ban the right guy. So who knows what happened. I'm not going to play for a while cause I don't know what to think.

Awww its okay mavy. We all make mistakes.

General Chat / Re: fun froggy is froggy
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:32:10 PM »
Nels brother had a frog,we put him outside in his cage for a bit(nel forgets why) when we returned georges eyeballs had been eaten out by ants and his skull,hollowed by the tiny black savages

Poor frog :(

General Chat / Re: Favorite drinks!
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:31:30 PM »
Soft drink: Coke.

Energy drink: Not a big fan. But I do drink red bull before I work out.

Beer: Hates alcohol. But... smirnoff ice and watermelon is godly amazing also the drink called sex on the beach ( i know those are not beer but w/e) and I guess budwiser for beer

Wine: LOL I dont know. Not a big fan.

Hot beverage (All kinds of tea/coffee/hot chocolate, etc.): Hot tea.. omg.

Cold beverages (All kinds of juices, water and iced teas/juices, etc.):  Brisk!

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: What's Your Fave Anime?
« on: March 19, 2010, 06:05:11 PM »
Ayashi no ceres.<----wut?
Gensomaden Saiyuki.<---Dafuck?
Edens Bowy.<-----Never heard of
Rave.<-----I do this all the time
Chobits.<----This is real?

Everyone else,keep watching those animes nel has heard of

I assume you were too young to see this on air let alone know of it
Was produced in early 90s and started airing late 90s and early 2000s.
Those were the good times of anime years.

« on: March 19, 2010, 06:03:26 PM »
peta ftw
rofl XD

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