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Messages - UberLord

Pages: 1 ... 8 [9] 10 ... 37
General Chat / Re: Animal Cruelty
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:58:13 PM »
Animal Cruelty is a horrible subject. I thinks it's a horrendis idea to beat and hurt animals. They have feeling, emotions, and thoughts just like us.
I have always enjoyed helping animals. We're had many pets and I luv/luved dem all. For boy scouts I even earned veterinary medicine because I like helping animals.

General Chat / Re: lol.
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:08:32 PM »
I was at camp and we had to share a campsite with a tropp with a kid who looked exactly like Justin Beiber.

General Chat / Re: My first kiss.
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:35:00 PM »
My first kiss was with my best friend.
That's the third time you changed it. First you had it about kissing a guy but not being gay, then you reworded it. Now you have this. Woops, I spilled the beans.

Boneyard / Re: UberLord reporting Crit Nick and several others.
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:03:54 PM »
??? Im scared......
So you were involved? I have more footage if you want it :)

« on: June 19, 2010, 07:07:01 PM »
Crit Nick is a Douche
Go to ban request section and bitch there. I have enough shit to get him banned.

Boneyard / Re: UberLord reporting Crit Nick and several others.
« on: June 19, 2010, 06:42:03 PM »
You're going to do something about it? YAY. If you get him demoted, you will become my new favorite admin <3

Boneyard / Re: UberLord reporting Crit Nick and several others.
« on: June 19, 2010, 06:39:42 PM »
Sorry dude, I started recording when my friend told me he started abusing, it ended when he got bored and started playing TTT.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Ubaldo Jimenez for Admin
« on: June 19, 2010, 06:13:36 PM »
ffs, I didn't know it was tiger guy so I voted -1. I was going to say he was too new. DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!

Boneyard / UberLord reporting Crit Nick and several others.
« on: June 19, 2010, 06:06:42 PM »
Boom! Evidence of Crit Nick and several other people spawning illegal props through console. If I seem like a noob it's because my friend was the one playing. I do not have there steam ID's but you can probably get them from other reports. Please tell me if there was no footage of him abusing, because I have two clips called Crit and Crit2 so I wasn't sure. Anyway, to open them, download the file into garrysmod/garrymod folder then open gmod. Proceed to open console and type demoui and choose it or type play crit I think. Just use the demui on and select Crit and play the video to see how they abused. There were more people than just Crit. Also, I think somewhere in the video he mentions not caring about RND if I recall, so he shouldn't mind getting banned. If I am mistaken on anything I said, it's because this happened about a week ago.

General Chat / Re: My steam account might of been hijacked :(
« on: June 19, 2010, 05:57:49 PM »
I've bought games for CD and online.
Anyway, I already made an announcement about you getting hacked. Get well soon.

Boneyard / Re: Ban request.
« on: June 19, 2010, 05:47:42 PM »
Well let's see. I have evidence of everyone but OSHIT if he even did it. I have footage of Crit Nick admitting to it, Exigent joining in, and someone else. I can't find a way to post it though >.<
EDIT: Uploading the footage now. Going to make my own topic about it.

Boneyard / Re: Ban request.
« on: June 18, 2010, 08:27:22 PM »
I have footage of Crit Nick doing the same stuff as the guy in his post. I'll post it.
Anyone know any good file sharing programs? I have some demos but I'm too lazy to make a youtube video. When I get it up just dl it to garrysmod/garrysmod then in game type demoui in console and choose Crit.

General Chat / Re: Black Widows
« on: June 18, 2010, 07:40:44 PM »
Family Guy - Damn nature, you scary! DVD version!

what the narrator stated is also what I would state if I saw a real black widow .....
Family Guy - National Geography Special on Firetrucks
Also, if I saw the Black Widow I would scream like a little pre-school girl and grab a shotgun.

Music / Re: The "Rate the song above your post." thread
« on: June 18, 2010, 07:32:14 PM »
10/10 That song is pure win.
Get a New Daddy

Music / Re: The "Rate the song above your post." thread
« on: June 18, 2010, 07:18:20 PM »
8/10 I think it gets quite repetitive at points and it's not very, you know, what's the word. I KNOW, appealing on the ears.
High School Sucks - The Musical - Full Intro Theme Song

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