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Messages - Seb

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Boneyard / Re: Seb [AdmiralAckbarFT XBL] abuse
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:40:06 PM »
You can't ban for your own reasons.

How is early cading and mic spam my own reason?

My own reason would be something like votebanning somebody if their name had more than two 'E's in their name.

Everybody hates it when people early cade or mic spam really loud rap songs, it's not my own rule.


Yeesh, people. Can't take a simple 60-minute ban. I've been banned for an hour MILLIONS of times for countless reasons (e.g. "Too deep voice", "For the lulz", "Stuffed your mic in your mouth")

Funny Stuffz / Re: The truth behinde Call Of Duty
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:35:51 PM »
I've never gotten to how you can run around, shanking people from about ten feet away.

If you're knifing somebody from ten feet away, that's not a knife. That's a sword from Inuyasha or Bleach or something.

Funny Stuffz / Re: LADY GAGA HAS A PENUS :O
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:34:15 PM »



I don't think YOU understand this  Faggit

Hitler was fascist, not communist. He HATED communists.

Boneyard / Re: Seb [AdmiralAckbarFT XBL] abuse
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:27:06 PM »
I'll be mature here and admit that I should substitute some bans for kicks (Mic spam: Kick, Early-Cading: still a ban (but with a warning).

But get this:



Boneyard / Re: Seb [AdmiralAckbarFT XBL] abuse
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:16:09 PM »
I haven't been on nearly enough to have abused my respected. And it wasn't just ME you caded out, you caded out about ten other people too. You caded out Crypto, Punisher, some other guy who's name I forgot that started with 'P', and about seven other people.

The only questionable voteban I delivered was when I votebanned that guy for flooding the chamber in Mountains of the Afterlife, of which Tomcat decided to give me a second chance and repromote me.

And that second ban was because he was playing really obnoxious music super loud into his mics and everybody was saying, "Somebody ban him!"

He exaggerated his report to imply that I was the only one who was caded out, and he didn't specify what the other ban was for. And, shocker:


He (or somebody else) caded a few other people out (including me) before he did the bannable one. And I said these exact words:

Don't early cade this again while people are outside, or you will get banned.

So I gave him a warning, big whoop, he doesn't listen to it, he gets banned.

And, I'll restate, I haven't been on often enough lately to abuse respected.

Uh, actually, I just tried joining right now. I was able to stay on for about two minutes when I was suddenly auto-banned from the server by clicking Options>Multiplayer.

General Chat / Re: just got a 360elite
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:28:58 PM »

General Chat / Z-Day
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:26:42 PM »
I pretty much made this thread to see people's actual zombie survival plans and for them to evaluate other's.


ONE: A zombie (or horde of) will break through ANYTHING given enough time

TWO: Gunshots attract zombies, even with silencers (hey, even then they're pretty loud)

THREE: Psychological effects of a walking corpse

Boneyard / Re: Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 03, 2010, 01:56:07 PM »
he banned proudly for 1 hour for flooding the chamber, so i banned him for 1 hour

And demoted my respected.

Now, listen to Tomcat. And I still <3 you.

Boneyard / Re: Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 02, 2010, 05:08:43 PM »
lol, you will get it back sooner or later :PP


And also, I'm sorry. I really wish to be respected enough on RND to become admin someday. XD

But that may be never. (Oh, well, at least I have my friends)

Also, I approve of your Admin App.


Boneyard / Re: Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 02, 2010, 05:05:27 PM »
no one was in there



Really? It sure sounded like it by what they were saying.

Boneyard / Re: Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 02, 2010, 05:01:28 PM »
Do not even try this.

You banned a player for flooding the room in Mountains of the afterlife.

It will be a while before you get it back,

It counts as teamkilling, seeing as the only health machine in the map was in the flooded room. There were even people in that room!

Boneyard / Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 02, 2010, 04:58:20 PM »
I was playing in ZS when a mingebag happened to flood the elevator chamber in Mountains of the Afterlife. I started asking who did it after people were complaining, and two people told me who it was, so I votebanned him. But, apparently, those two people who told me who it was happened to be trolls but it was too late by the time I found out. So somebody got unfairly banned for an hour. But Magic 60minute banned me, deemed my voteban as "General Idioticy" and demoted me from respected.

Why should I have respected back? It was the only unfair ban I've made in the two months I've been respected, and my first one at that. I believe in second chances, and I banned somebody using false information given to me.

I'm sorry, and I'd like Magic to see this thread.


...does it help me become admin?

Just wondering.

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