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Topics - Seb

Pages: [1]
General Chat / So I made a myppl8-related spray
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:22:13 PM »

So far, positive results by Crypto, Punisher, and Krasher.


Anime/Manga Discussion / Florida Supercon
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:46:13 PM »
Anybody ever gone to it? It's a really fun anime/video game convention down here in, well, Florida.

If you went this year, I was the guy walking around with a sign that said "THE GAME" on the second day.

General Chat / Near-death experiences?
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:22:16 PM »
...if you've had any. The name kinda explains the topic.

When I was about five a huge, old-timey 50-pound TV fell about five feet onto me.  I didn't get hurt, but I was told I was lucky to be alive.

You guys?

Help/Requests / *sigh* Okay, I'm here to redeem myself...
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:57:25 AM »
...what can I do to get on you guys' good sides? (I don't know the grammar for a question addressing a plural noun ending in an s)

I joined the RND community to join the community of the main kind of servers I usually played on, which is to say the rANdOm servers. I was looking for a really good community that liked me generally as much as the people I played with did (Toxin, Xexxar, Crypto, Punisher, Your Awesome...).

Let me have another chance.

Server Requests/Suggestions / So ZS needs an update
« on: July 16, 2010, 03:23:49 PM »
I was on ZS a few days ago and the conversation turned to how unbalanced the server is. So we all started counting problems with the server and I decided I was the one that was gonna have to make the thread about this.

What most people agreed on were:

1. Make the HEV charge actually WORK (so that people who have 10HP left in a map without an HP Machine and get ten kills and get hEV charge won't be like FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU-).

2. Annabelle and Crossbow are ridiculously underpowered. The crossbow is, what, a 35 kill weapon and it can't kill a fast zombie in one hit? And the Annabelle can't even kill a wraith in one hit! Glock and Deagle are still underpowered, but not as much. Before you say "pros are good with glock/deagle",I'm really good with those two handguns (in ZS), but it's still really annoying to put up with them.

3. Ammo regen SUCKS. ESPECIALLY the SMG ammo regen. I'm going to put it this way: ALL the upgraded handguns (Magnum, Glock, Deagle) get more than one clip per ammo regen (but still, come on, a clip and a half per minute is very frustrating). One SMG gets a whole clip per ammo regen, another might as well get just one clip per ammo (an extra two bullets! oh boy!), and the other two take two ammo regens for a single and a little extra. Please, fix this.

4. The fall damage/prop damage. I can't even begin to stress how bad it is. The fact that you die if 1) you fall 15 feet   2) If the prop you're standing on makes the slightest nudge is the main argument for my sister on why her favorite server is better than mine (I like the RND ZS because it feels more realistic than ($> ZS, but that's about it).

The only way to get kills on ZS is to wait until someone ALMOST kills a zombie and then shooting it. Because otherwise you're wasting 18 bullets into a Zombie just to have someone else shoot it. It's annoying as hell. And yes, assists WOULD fix this, Mr. Green for example doesn't have killstealer en masse. >_>

6. Fix animations.

The tl;dr version...

1: HEV charge needs to work.

2: Annabelle/crossbow/glock/deagle need more power.

3: Need moar bullets per ammo regen.

4. Prop damage/fall damage. Any damaging fall is a killing fall and a prop will either do 5 damage or over 9000 damage.

5. Assists.

6. Fix animations.

Funny Stuffz / Go to Google...
« on: July 03, 2010, 01:18:33 PM »
Type 2204355, and click "I'm Feeling Lucky".

post results

General Chat / Z-Day
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:26:42 PM »
I pretty much made this thread to see people's actual zombie survival plans and for them to evaluate other's.


ONE: A zombie (or horde of) will break through ANYTHING given enough time

TWO: Gunshots attract zombies, even with silencers (hey, even then they're pretty loud)

THREE: Psychological effects of a walking corpse

Boneyard / Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 02, 2010, 04:58:20 PM »
I was playing in ZS when a mingebag happened to flood the elevator chamber in Mountains of the Afterlife. I started asking who did it after people were complaining, and two people told me who it was, so I votebanned him. But, apparently, those two people who told me who it was happened to be trolls but it was too late by the time I found out. So somebody got unfairly banned for an hour. But Magic 60minute banned me, deemed my voteban as "General Idioticy" and demoted me from respected.

Why should I have respected back? It was the only unfair ban I've made in the two months I've been respected, and my first one at that. I believe in second chances, and I banned somebody using false information given to me.

I'm sorry, and I'd like Magic to see this thread.

...does it help me become admin?

Just wondering.

Boneyard / Ban Appeal - Admiral Ackbar/Doctor Zucchini
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:21:07 AM »
Steam ID:

Why I was banned:
I have no idea. I just tried joining the ZS server right now, and it says I'm banned. I have not been on since the day before yesterday. I reckon my sister has something to do about it (Mom refuses to buy her GMod until she gets a computer herself, so we have to share occasionally[Hey, I'm only 14.])

Who banned me:
I have no idea, seeing that I was banned yesterday when I wasn't on yesterday, because I was able to play last time I myself played. Sister denies being banned.

How long I've been banned for:
I'd say 12 to 24 hours.

Why you should unban me:
I'm loyal to RND, just became respected, haven't abused respected (seeing that I didn't know until ten minutes ago),

HELLO?! My SISTER got me banned!

Approved Respected Apps / I would like to apply for respected.
« on: March 29, 2010, 08:36:41 PM »
Yeah. Pretty much.

I have played the zombie survival server for a while now, and I promise not to abuse my votekick and voteban ability, seeing that I was votebanned "For the lulz" just a few minutes ago. I have been respectful and I am considered among the best people to have on both teams, seeing that, unless I join late, I frequent the top 5 in at least one category most matches I play in.

So, you can meet me on the ZS server sometime before 2:00AM this night, or sometime the day after tomorrow, seeing that I will be with friends tomorrow.

Don't refuse me. :c

Approved Respected Apps / Improvised intro for respected!
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:46:15 PM »
As you know, I am Admiral Ackbar. (IT'S A TARP.)

I've been playing ZS on RND for a while.

I will make new maps for the server.

I am currently fourteen, among the few non-Cubans in Miami, and my favorite band is Dream Theater (for most of you with an IQ higher than 23, you must like me already for not being a rap-tard :D).

Oh, and I'm not a Kleiner/mingebag.

So yeah.

Help/Requests / How can I access downloads to the server maps?
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:15:36 PM »
Need to download maps for ZS. Stupid piece of crap computer won't automatically download them, so I have to do it manually.

Help/Requests / Problem loading maps on ZS Server
« on: January 23, 2010, 02:59:25 PM »
Here's the outline...

Deathtime wins by landslide. I get to where it starts downloading the graph, but then that cursed little gray box appears, says I'm missing the map, and then I have to quit.

I've already tried downloading the missing maps on The maps apparently don't exist there.

The problematic maps are: 1me_deathtime_??, zs_darkvilla.

Another thing: I have a different map sometimes.

zs_fort wins vote, but it says that MY version of the map (zs_fort) is different from the server's version (which is, furiatingly, zs_fort!)

Approved Respected Apps / Why hullo there
« on: January 17, 2010, 07:30:44 AM »
You might have seen me if you frequent the Zombie Survival server, under Admiral Ackbar or Billy Mays.

Well, just wanted to try out these forums.

The XGenStudios forums have become a bit boring.

Oh, and I can has invitation to Steam group?

Steam ID: Toasty_Power

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